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Wordpress now offers free .blog subdomains

Wordpress now offers free .blog subdomains

Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: free .blog subdomains.

Source: Announcing Free .blog Subdomains — The WordPress.com Blog

One of the best things a teacher can do is create a website, and WordPress powers a majority of the web. So, put those two together and you can create a free website with a wordpress.com subdomain. This means your website address would end in wordpress.com. Wirdpress has announced that you can now create a free website under one of their .blog subdomains.

Here is a partial list of domains that are available. I picked ones that would be relevant to education or teachers, see the article for a complete list:

  • art.blog
  • finance.blog
  • health.blog
  • law.blog
  • music.blog
  • poetry.blog
  • school.blog
  • science.blog
  • tech.blog

Instead of trying to use mrcollins.wordpress.com as a website for me as a teacher, I can use mrcollins.tech.blog or mrcollins.school.blog.

Check out the article for directions on setting up your website under one of these .blog subdomains.

If you end up setting up a blog, please let me know so I can add you to my RSS reader.