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Video editing with FlexClip

Video editing with FlexClip

Source: Free Online Video Maker – Create Your Video in Minutes | FlexClip

Via: FlexClip Looks Like A Great Video-Editing Tool For ELLs, English-Proficient Students & Everybody Else | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

Upon signing in, you get the option to create a new video from a template or from scratch. I decided to select a template, and the video editor opened.

It looks a lot like Adobe Spark’s video editor, only more powerful. The title effects that are available are really cool.

The ability to sign in with a Google account is pretty nice too.

While you aren’t going to be editing a full length video in FlexClip, the capabilities are very impressive. Videos may be exported at 480p, 720p, or 1080p. And everything is free!