1 min read

Twitter for Teachers

Twitter for Teachers

Twitter, like most things in life, can be a good thing or bad thing. I’m going to focus on its strengths and the good things today as they pertain to using Twitter as a teacher.

Personal learning network

We have people in our buildings that are a good source of information and advice, but sometimes you need a more broad outlook or some out of the box solutions to the problems you are having. This is where a personal learning network can be of use. By utilizing Twitter, you can begin to connect to like minded teachers that can support you or you can support them. Everyone can add to the conversation.

Keeping up with new developments

I have created curated lists of Twitter users that I feel add value to my stream. By placing these individuals in a list, I can easily keep up with what they are saying. News sites can also be put in a list, along with research sites, all to make it easier to separate the wheat from the chaff.

One on one and group communications

Sometimes you want to bounce an idea off on one person, or maybe a small group. Twitter direct messaging allows you to do this.

Sharing your knowledge

Derek Sivers has written, “Obvious to you. Amazing to others.” What he means by that is that you do things in amazing ways every day that you feel everyone already knows about. In reality, what is obvious to you is amazing to others. Go show your amazing self by posting to Twitter. If you do post to Twitter, let me know so I can follow you!

Getting started

Check out my video on getting started with Twitter: