Gamifycation, Microsoft Office, and formative assessment - Top 3 for the week
If you are interesting in gamifying your classroom, check out Rezzly
Something I didn’t know existed, the Microsoft Office
Barbed wire, digital natives, Gmail Quick Links - Top 3 of the week
Barbed wire fence was the telecommunications medium of choice for farmers
The myth of the digital native
Gmail labs being
Conditional formatting, Twitter book club, Chromebook filtering - Top 3 for the week
Use conditional formatting in Google Sheets to analyze data and grades
Running a Twitter book club
Securly is offering Chromebook
Web Maker, glibness, and the micro:bit - Top 3 for the week
Web Maker is a great playground for web developers
Combating glibness
First look at the micro:bit, a single board
Number frames, control, and inquiry based learning - Top 3
Number Frames is an interactive math site for teaching with frames
How much control is too much for the future
Note-taking, open classrooms, and windows on a chromebook - top 3 for the week
One habit of highly successful people? Note-taking
Looking at open plan classrooms
Windows on a Chromebook with Paperspace
Digital natives, language practices, and student ownership - Top 3 for the week
The digital native myth
Does colonial logic dictate the language practices in your classroom?
Real life example of students taking
Smartphones, laptop & tablet use, and being average - Top 3 for the week
Your smartphone negatively affects your thinking, even if turned off
Interesting research in laptop and tablet use in the university
Google Certification, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Nintendo Switch coding - Top 3 for the week
Google’s certification training: working smarter
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s insight into teaching
Create your own Nintendo Switch games with
Obscene memes, business coding, dream school - top 3 for the week
After posting obscene memes to Facebook, students lose their acceptance at Harvard
Miami University’s business school requires all freshmen