Student laptops do not enhance learning
New research by scientists at Michigan State University suggests that laptops do not enhance classroom learning, and in fact students
Productive lifetime learning
What Bode was saying was this: “Knowledge and productivity are like compound interest.” Given two people of approximately the same
Enhancing student learning through the IKEA effect
Making learning easy may not get the results you desire.
In the period of 1920–40 American food manufacturers wanted
Talking to yourself can make you a better learner
I know we have all been there before. Have you ever been in that moment when you are overwhelmed? Have
Elon Musk proves that jack of all trades, master of none is a myth
How is it even possible that Elon Musk could build four multibillion companies by his mid-40s — in four separate fields
If you're just asking for answers, learning can't occur
Can we get real? There are a lot of well-intentioned assignments and projects that frankly have very little LEARNING that
Priorities, students, and learning
I was recently at a conference about the social and emotional needs of children today. While much of what I
Librarian's role in boosting brain based learning
“This is so new for teachers, whereas librarians have been doing this for ten years,” said Paige Jaeger, a school
7 Reasons To Be Excited About the Future of Learning
I’m excited. Like, really, really, really, excited.
Technology has gone from a toy, to an event, to a commodity,
Designing Learning That Matters
Deep learning often happens when learners encounter experiences that challenge them to figure something out, explore new information, and create