Google Classroom How to invite parents
Updated Sept. 2020 – Google accounts are not required for guardians, how to remove guardians
Google Classroom added the ability to
Google Classroom: Guardians Who Need a Google Account - Teacher Tech
For Google Classroom Google account is required for guardian summaries. Guardians will need to associate their email with a Google
ⓔ Polling added to Google Classroom
You can now add questions to Google Classroom for quick polls.
There are two answer types, short answer and multiple
Sharing: 23 Awesome Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom (via @shakeuplearning)
23 Awesome Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom
I have put together a list of 23 Apps that Integrate with
Share webpages and resources instantly with Share to Classroom for Google Classroom
Share to Classroom is a Google Chrome extension that allows the teacher to share webpages instantly to a classroom. It
Add to Google Classroom Extension
The Add to Google Classroom extension simplifies saving the currently viewed website to Google Classroom. After Installation, you’ll be