A study in how Google affects search results, even in private mode and logged out of Google
Over the years, there has been considerable discussion of Google’s “filter bubble” problem. Put simply, it’s the manipulation
Test your phishing email detection skills with Google
Test your phishing email detection skills with Google.
Source: Phishing Quiz
Phishing is a hacking technique where the attacker fakes
Let Google spell out that number for you
Let Google spell out that number for you.
A neat feature of Google search that I didn’t know about.
Google is shutting down its goo.gl URL shortening service
Google announced last week that it is shutting down the goo.gl URL shortening service. A URL shortening services is
Customize your searches in Google Chrome (and on Chromebooks)
If you do a certain kind of internet search over and over again, customizing your search engines in Chrome can
Signing away rights using G Suite for Education
When my son started middle school last month, he brought home a slew of consent forms for this that and
Learn basic AI in the browser with this experiment from Google
Just how does machine learning work? You’ve probably read a primer or two on the subject, but often the
Ranking the IQ level of Google and Siri
Researchers Feng Liu, Yong Shi, and Ying Liu set out to test and rank the intelligence quotient (IQ) of various
Applied Digital Skills from Google is a free curriculum based on tech skills
Source: Free Technology Curriculum from Google – Applied Digital Skills
Applied Digital Skills is a free website by Google that offers