Moving past the marshmallow test to predict future success
Kindergarten children whose teachers rate them as being highly inattentive tend to earn less in their 30s than classmates who
A child's educational success is dependent on their background
Children of similar cognitive ability have very different chances of educational success; it still depends on their parents’ economic, socio-cultural
Does edtech improve or harm education?
Multimedia technologies penetrate into various spheres of educational activity. The spread of innovations is facilitated by external factors associated with
Waiting for the future of education
Serious people sometimes make silly predictions.
Source: The Future of Education Will Never Arrive
History is littered with failed experiments,
How the downfall of retail relates to education
In “The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America,” the Berkshire Hathaway CEO lays out a problem that plagues
Fixing education will not be with video
Kids, and adults, can certainly learn stuff from watching videos of the type Green produces (and I have). But those
Does your classroom make learning visible? – EDUWELLS
I had a brief conversation with a 12 year old boy this month that went as follows: