1 min read

Store your passwords and notes securely with Lastpass

Store your passwords and notes securely with Lastpass

Source: Lastpass

One of the easiest ways for you to stay secure online is to use a password manager. Instead of using a password such as monkey182 on every site you use, a password manager lets you easily use a different password each site. Plus, each password can be very complex, such as r3E5u4*2AS2y.

Lastpass is a great introduction to password managers, and has a free tier to help you get started. To get the most out Lastpass, you will want to install the extension in your browser and install the app on your smartphone.

Once installed in your browser, the extension will modify login forms on websites, allowing you to select the username and password for the site.

Your Lastpass vault can also be used to securely secure credit card numbers, wifi passwords, and other information.

