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Sometimes you have to tell people what they need to hear

Sometimes you have to tell people what they need to hear

When someone tells you what you need to hear, instead of what you’re hoping to hear, you’ve found something priceless.

Source: Deep connection | Seth’s Blog

Several years ago I interviewed the for the technology coordinator job in a school district. I was totally happy in my current job, but when the opportunity arose to interview, I decided to take it.

This school district was pretty wealthy, but the technology available to students was limited. I made it through the first round of interviews to the second and final round. The job was starting to appeal to me, a chance to build up a district from the ground level, with the funding to do it right.

However, when sitting with the interview committee, I was asked a question that I believe was the reason I didn’t get offered the job. “What would you do with the limited resources of this school district.” It was at this moment I switched to telling them what they needed to hear, and not what they wanted to hear. I told them that their district does not have limited resources. The reasoning behind my thoughts was the fact that the district had completed a major renovation and construction project, all with general funds and without going to the community for a levy. I was hoping that the district would see my answer as a reason to hire someone visionary. This person would be able to help the staff and students be a leader in the education field.

In hindsight, would I change my answer if I could? No I would not. They needed to hear that. I still wish the district the best of luck, and check up on them when I get a chance.