1 min read

Screencasting wrap up for the week

Screencasting wrap up for the week
Not this kind of rap.
By: your friend le

It’s been a week of screen casting, and here’s a wrap up of the week.

Not this kind of rap.
By: your friend le

Why you want to create screencasts

What are screencasts and why would you want to create them?

Screencasting tools for teachers, free and non-free

So how do you create screencasts? This post will show you the tools to use. I did get a mention on Twitter about Screencastify, which allows you to create screencasts with Chrome and on Chromebooks. I don’t use Screencastify because Nimbus does a good job and is free for videos longer than 10 minutes. I’m sure Screencastify is a great app, and I don’t mind pay for apps (paid $99 for Screenflow) but I balk at subscription pricing.

Sharing your screencasts for students, staff or the public

Once you have your screencast, it’s pretty useless unless you share it.

Flipping your classroom with screencasts

An example usage of screencasts, using them to flip your classroom.

Students creating screencasts instead of presenting

Your student can create screencasts too!