1 min read

How to Print a YouTube Video - Storyboard Bookmarklet

How to Print a YouTube Video - Storyboard Bookmarklet

The other day I came across a web app that allowed users to print GIF animations as flipbooks. The site – gifprint.com – isn’t working anymore but the idea is nonetheless interesting. The app extracts all the image frames of the animated GIF, arranges the individual frames in sequence, like a contact sheet, and then creates a PDF file ready to be sent to the printer.

Source: How to Print a YouTube Video – Storyboard Bookmarklet

Yes, you read the title right, this bookmarklet allows you to print a Youtube video. This could be a used to introduce storyboarding to a class or when you need a couple of frames from a video. I stumbled upon this, and I would have had no idea something like this even existed!