Pocket saves websites for you to read later
It’s been almost two years since I last posted about Pocket, and it’s still a very important tool in my arsenal today. Pocket is a service that can save articles from the web for you in a format that’s easy to read. I use Pocket in a couple of different ways: to save longer articles to read later on a larger screen device, and as a quick bookmarking tool.
Pocket’s main use – read later
Pocket’s main purpose is to give the user an interface to curate articles and present the articles in an easy to read format. It can strip away a lot of the cruft from a page, and really does make it easier to read. A lot of applications have built in support for Pocket, and this integration really shines when using it with your Twitter client. By quickly saving links to Pocket from Twitter, it doesn’t know you out of the flow when checking Twitter.
I have two IFTTT recipes that I use with Pocket. The first, bookmarks anything I save to Pocket to Delicious. The second saves the the article’s URL and a synopsis of the article as a text file in a folder in Dropbox.
Besides the integrations with applications, Pocket is also supported by IFTTT so you can set up your own workflows. Another useful feature is the ability to email [email protected] urls and have them added to your reading list.
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