70 min read

{OETC18} All the Twitter users at OETC18

{OETC18} All the Twitter users at OETC18
kpgolfpro / Pixabay

Through the wonder of t and some custom Python, I grabbed a list of Twitter users who tweeted with the #oetc18.

Anyone I miss? Let me know!

@33Struke David Strukel Massillon, Ohio native, educator @Hiramcollege, Ph.D. @BGSU, now Dr. Struke!
@3PLearning 3P Learning A place for schools and families to love learning. The award-winning team behind Mathletics, Spellodrome, Reading Eggs, IntoScience & the World Education Games. Homepage
@4_5grhappiness wendy parente Wife, Mom of Three and Passionate 4th & 5th gr Teacher Homepage
@4H 4-H 4-H grows confident kids with life skills to thrive in today’s world & succeed in their boldest dreams tomorrow. Community Guidelines: https://t.co/Z0wE4MKWWo Homepage
@4theluvofcrayon 4theluvofcrayon 4th grade teacher, crafter, and amateur vlogger. I enjoy learning from others as well as teaching others, but sometimes I just like to ramble.
@_Miss_Wallace Miss Wallace High School ELA Teacher/Student Council Advisor/Communicate Institute Instructor/Professional Nerd/ Univ. of Hawaii 2012/ MA Ed. Tech MSU Overseas Program 2016 Homepage
@_WBTech West Branch Tech The official Twitter page of West Branch High School Technology Integration, blended learning, and 1:1 Initiative
@AASAHQ AASA AASA, The School Superintendents Association, supports & develops school leaders, advocates for high-quality public ed for all children. #LovePublicEducation Homepage
@abreplatform Abre.io Abre is a single online platform allowing you to spend less time jumping through hoops and more time teaching students Homepage
@activelylearn Actively Learn Actively Learn is an online literacy platform designed to help students read for depth. Homepage
@adafruit adafruit industries Limor Ladyada Fried – Teaching, sharing, engineering, DIY electronic kits, open source hardware, arduino, raspberry pi, art, hacking… Homepage
@Adam_Rummelhart Adam Rummelhart I am the Microsoft Learning Consultant for the Chicagoland area. Passionate about #MicrosoftEDU #Edtech #History and #Hawkeyes Homepage
@AFS AFS Intercultural Programs AFS is a network of 50+ Partner organizations, supported by 40,000+ volunteers worldwide, who provide global exchange and intercultural opportunities. Homepage
@akplace21 Aaron Place Teacher of Fine Arts, enabler of creativity, Maximizer of resources, listener and a voice!
@alexastazenski Alexa Stazenski Collaborator, Communicator, Solution Seeker, Motivated Learner & Teacher
@alicekeeler Alice Keeler Mom of 5, Teacher, Author, Speaker, Consultant, Google Certified Teacher, NMCk12 Ambassador, MIE, gamification, #coffeeEDU, coder Homepage
@AlyssaBruck Alyssa Bruck
@amybrowns Amy Brown Education Strategist @ CDW-G; Literacy Specialist, Question Asker, Inference Maker. Let’s build a better mousetrap.
@amyburvall Amy Burvall FRSA; The Cloud is Our Campfire. Learning & Creative Thinking consultant; co-author @IntentionBook; prof. dot-connector; History Music Vids @historyteacherz Homepage
@amyjojo14 Amy Attinger Momma of 3, happy wife, ed tech enthusiast, Google Level 1 Educator, 7th grade math teacher, daughter, sister, friend
@AmyJuravich Amy Juravich I am a radio host and producer for WOSU Public Media. Listen to 89.7, NPR News and Classical 101
@amymhudson Amy Hudson Estepp If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.-John Dewey, Google Educator, SWTILO Moderator #FranklinEdTech #swtilo Homepage
@AmySHarker Amy Harker Director- Office of Student Services & College and Career Readiness – Perry Local Schools – NE Region Career & Innovation Specialist for ESC of Cuyahoga County.
@amytech amytech education enthusiast | mom | lover of tech | DIYer | Chief Content Director, Educational Technology, WOSU Public Media Homepage
@andreagribble Andrea Gribble Helping Schools Create AWESOME Social Media – Grab 100 ideas for posts: https://t.co/s4DKgErLW6 – Author – Speaker – Mom – https://t.co/eAmHZbOb1P Homepage
@AngelaWojtecki Angela Wojtecki School librarian, tech geek, writer, Marine wife, avid reader of young adult novels, and Google for Education Certified Trainer and Educator Levels 1 & 2.
@AngelaWojtecki Angela Wojtecki School librarian, tech geek, writer, Marine wife, avid reader of young adult novels, and Google for Education Certified Trainer and Educator Levels 1 & 2.
@AngelaYake Angela Yake Actively involved with education, and being educated. Married, parent to 3 girls. Living busy, learning more. From Springfield, OH. Homepage
@annfisherwosu Ann Fisher Host/exec producer All Sides W/ Ann Fisher 89.7 FM WOSU Public Media. stream, pod casts, archive at http://t.co/vlzATtUJ follow wosuallsides. Opinions mine. Homepage
@annradefeld Ann Radefeld French/German Teacher. Passion for learning new things. Mom of two beautiful boys! Tech Geek. Google Certified Trainer. Homepage
@anya1anya Anya Kamenetz Curious about learning & the future. @NPR_ed, https://t.co/1erkswahpV. Pre-order The Art of Screen Time! https://t.co/hMMd6yrHNs Homepage
@AnywhereCart Anywhere Cart Anywhere Cart produces world-class secure charging carts and accessories for a wide range of devices including iPads, Android Tablets, Chromebooks and Laptops. Homepage
@Apple Apple https://t.co/jw2s2L0RLt
@apptasticteach Melissa wife, mom, sped teacher, NBCT, Schoology Ambassador, OMLA Associate Member, Apple Teacher, Level 1 Google Certified
@ASCD ASCD ASCD is a nonprofit organization that supports the global community of educators dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching, and leading. Homepage
@ataem_ocali AT & AEM Center The AT & AEM Center powered by OCALI features resources, supports, and PD to assist in the effective implementation of AT & AEM. Homepage
@autodesk Autodesk 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software and services. Have a question? Tweet @AutodeskHelp Homepage
@AviatorCoPilot Karen Naber Assistant Superintendent for Sycamore Community Schools, wife of 35 years, proud mother of five great kids, Lolli to one GRANDdaughter Homepage
@b2rne5d Diana Barnes
@BadgeList Badge List Badge List helps organizations turn achievements into web-based credentials using the @OpenBadges standard. Homepage
@bakusabuffalo Bak USA Bak USA is a social enterprise committed to building computers, empowering people, and changing lives. Powered by @Windows. @Intel Inside.
#BakUSA #RockBuffalo
@Battelle Battelle We apply business and scientific rigor to deliver solutions to our customer’s toughest challenges. #ItCanBeDone #STEM Homepage
@BBCClick BBC Click The BBC’s flagship tech show. Presented by @Spenley. Tweet us or include #BBCClick in tweets. Transmission times here – http://t.co/VJ6Kjmzi4r Homepage
@BcrkSchools Beavercreek Schools The official Twitter feed of the Beavercreek City School District, Beavercreek, Ohio (Greene County) Homepage
@bcrosby Brian Crosby 30+ year Teacher, now STEM & Messy Learning promoter/facilitator. STEM/STEAM, Author, Speaker, Problem Solver. Opinions my own. https://t.co/bTT6WiYgs6 Homepage
@BeefEnt Beef Ent. Beef Ent. – Rhode Island #1 Independent Music Label. Rhode Island Booking, Promotion, We do invest money in talent! Subscribe at youtube! Homepage
@benthax10 Ben Thaxton Asst. K-12 Principal in rural Ohio school district. OSRC Region 1 Director.
@BethanyHudson21 Bethany Hudson
@bfoutty Brian Foutty HS Swift Teacher, Tech Integrationist, Apple Distinguished Educator, iOS developer, JAMF CCT & CCA, Apple fan, & Disney enthusiast Homepage
@bgsu BGSU U.S. News & World Report named Bowling Green State Univ. as one of the nation’s top public universities. Snapchat: OfficialBGSU Homepage
@BHSMagics Barberton HS Twitter account for Barberton High School. Barberton, OH. Proud to be the MAGICS! Like us on Facebook, Follow on Instagram. Homepage
@BiggestMeow Eric Ebert Math / ComSci teacher. Lab based learning, 21st century shop class, multi-modal learning.
@birdbraintech BirdBrain Tech At BirdBrain Tech, we serve as a catalyst for transformative, maker-based learning experiences for all students. Our products include Finch & Hummingbird Homepage
@BlackDogOKC Rob Huber Professional Photographer and educator in the Oklahoma City area. Homepage
@blondefrizz Elizabeth Ault Tries to see the world always as a learner Grammarian by the grace of her mother Traveling Thinker
@bloxelsbuilder Bloxels Builder A hands-on platform for kids to build, collaborate, and tell stories through video game creation. Get #Bloxels now at https://t.co/WhKwLo4O0y. #BloxelsEDU Homepage
@bobsprankle bobsprankle Creative Director at http://t.co/27UVm78VPs
Google Certified Teacher, Teacher/Tech Integrator, Presenter, Podcaster, Writer, SEEDLINGS Co-Creator
@boettnerri Rich Boettner Chief Technology Officer – Hilliard City Schools #hcsdblend #blendedlearning Views are my own. Homepage
@boldtkaitlin Kaitlin Boldt K-12 @EverFi | former educator | #edtech fan | proud @CentreC alum | Education & Sociology Enthusiast | Opt Outside Homepage
@bonnefemme26 Min Teacher, reader, life enthusiast. Everything is better with glitter.
@BookCreatorApp Book Creator Team Tweets from the 2 Dans about apps, #edtech #ipaded, #ebooks and of course #BookCreator for iPad and #Chrome. The digital notebook for the 21C classroom. Homepage
@bradrellinger Brad Rellinger Father of 2 amazing boys, husband, passion for running, personal finance, and helping school districts throughout Ohio at Northern Buckeye. Homepage
@braun_christie Christie Braun
@breakoutEDU Breakout EDU Immersive learning games for the classroom. Get started at https://t.co/fOTnJ1Y16l Homepage
@BreWo9 Bre Wolterman Academic coach; passionate about reading, teacher collaboration, early childhood education, and creating learning spaces for young children to learn
@BrightBytes BrightBytes Improving the Way the World Learns Homepage
@brittanyy_hodge Brittany Hodge
@BuckEducational BuckeyeEducational Homepage
@Buncee buncee Buncee empowers students as creators, K and beyond!
AASL 2017 Best Website
@ButlerCountyESC Butler County ESC Homepage
@Buzzmath Buzzmath Math specialists.
Helping teachers and students since 2004.
@bynoemama kimberley Striving to keep Christ in the center of my marriage, motherhood, family, (passion= educating each child), church, fun, & life @MADlearn teaching mobile #appdev
@Capital_U Capital University Capital University is a private four-year undergraduate institution and graduate school. Homepage
@Capital_U Capital University Capital University is a private four-year undergraduate institution and graduate school. Homepage
@caranorth11 Cara North Learning Designer @OhioState, PhD student, @learningcamel, Community Manager #TLDCast @TLDChat, President Elect @centralohioatd, Tweets are my own #Keeppounding Homepage
@casadyschoolokc Casady School Casady School is an independent, co-educational, college prep, Episcopal school serving students in pre-k-12. Educating Mind, Body and Spirit.
@casadyschoolokc Casady School Casady School is an independent, co-educational, college prep, Episcopal school serving students in pre-k-12. Educating Mind, Body and Spirit.
@CaseWesternRe Case Western Reserve CampusSplashisanewnetwork of apps&sites for college&highschoolstudents!College news,dorm reviews,&more.Case Western Reserve University edition! Homepage
@catchbox Catchbox World’s First Throwable Microphone for Audience Engagement #eventprofs #eventtech #catchbox #edtech Homepage
@cbaker629 Caley N Baker
@CBTSConnect CBTS CBTS provides end-to-end IT and communications solutions that allow businesses to improve operational efficiency, enable innovation, and mitigate risk. Homepage
@cbusconventions GCCC The Greater Columbus Convention Center. Managed by SMG. The center of Ohio, the center of Columbus. #GCCC #CBusConventions Homepage
@ccliffschools Cedar Cliff Schools Homepage
@CCSD Chillicothe Schools Homepage
@cctribaltrends Tribal Trends Homepage
@chad_rex Chad Rex Christian/Husband/Father/Administrator/Educator/Dir of Tech at Northwest Ohio ESC
@ChadLensman Chad Lensman @GrahamMidSchool Principal (Past Elem Asst.), Dad, Husband, @Ohio_SRC Director, Learning Leader, Google Certified Edu, Sports Enthusiast- Thoughts are my own.
@chamady Chris Hamady PhD candidate (ABD) at the Univ. of Toledo in Curr. & Instruction, Dir. of Technology AWLS, ADE, Google Certified Educator, Musician, Lifelong Learner, Runner Homepage
@Chardonsupt Michael P. Hanlon Jr The official feed of the Superintendent, Chardon Local School District
@CharityDodd Charity Dodd Director of Instructional Design & Learning Technology @dsdPD -Wife of @bobby__dodd – mom to 3 beautiful girls. #blendedlearning #personalizedlearning Homepage
@ChelsMoyer Chelsea Moyer Curriculum & Instructional Technology Coordinator, Google for Education Certified Trainer, Breakout EDU Authorized Trainer, Apple Teacher
@CherylLKemper Cheryl Kemper Anderson High School /
Digital Learning Specialist /
Media Specialist /
Google Certified Educator /
G Suite for Education Enthusiast
@cheryloakes50 cheryloakes Seedlings, webhead,Wow 2.0, technology coach, resource room teacher, , skier, kayaker, gardener, Homepage
@ChouinardJahant collidingwithscience BDJH Science teacher, GT educator, Buddhist, Whovian, ferocious reader, lover of science & everything nerdy and geeky. Moderator #stucentclass & #teachmindful Homepage
@christopherdeis Christopher Deis Husband & father of 3, learner, educator, facilitator, general tech geek, Eagle Scout, hiker & camper, and extremely part time triathlete.
@CHUHSchools CHUH City Schools The official Twitter account of Cleveland Heights-University Heights City Schools :: Preparing all students for success in a global economy. #TigerNation Homepage
@CHUHtechnology CHUH Inst. Tech. Integrating instructional technology to improve teaching and learning throughout our Cleveland Heights-University Heights Tiger Nation!
@CIOonline CIO.com https://t.co/ZFdRyOBZY1 from IDG.
Business | Technology | Leadership
@Cisco Cisco Official info on Cisco news, events and technology innovation with @JoieHealy, @KChiala & @Britt_Coletti. For assistance, please reach out to @Cisco_Support. Homepage
@cjberwan Charlotte Berwanger
@CK_CoachK Mr. K Adminstrator and coach at Crestview Local Schools in the thriving village of Convoy! Go Knights! Homepage
@claganach Malcolm Wilson Teacher | Falkirk ICT Curriculum Development Officer #DigiLearnScot #GlowScot #MIEExpert Master Trainer #MicrosoftEDU #DLChat #AppleTeacher #digcit #iPadEd Homepage
@clarks855 David Clark Innovation, Games in Learning, 7-12 Education, Technology, Remaking the Educational Experience
@clever Clever Making online learning easy for millions of students & teachers. Find out more at http://t.co/3Iuq2Rv6Oi Homepage
@cleverclue Amy Magnus AI Researcher. Photojournalist. Writer. Locavore. What’s next? Turing Award or Lunch Homepage
@cmdanhoff Christine Danhoff Tech Integration Specialist, PreK-12,Google CE,@Hoonuit @Flipgrid @Writereaderapp @Seesaw Ambassador,@breakoutEdu Trainer, @ThingLink_EDU CE,@infohio DB iCoach Homepage
@CMNHedu CMNH Education Education Division @gocmnh. Award-winning #STEM & #science #education through #Museum experiences, #school programs & virtual fieldtrips. #CLE #museumed Homepage
@CodeDisruptor Chris Rose Educator | Co-Founder and VP Product @AbrePlatform | Co-Founder of https://t.co/QYYbjW8wD4 Homepage
@CodeHS CodeHS Comprehensive platform for helping schools teach coding and CS. FREE 6-12 curriculum. PD, resources and software tools for teachers #ReadWriteCode #CSforAll Homepage
@CodeMonkeySTU CodeMonkey Studios Learn and teach real coding with CodeMonkey – an intuitive and engaging online game || We provide special tools to support teachers who want to teach coding. Homepage
@codeorg Code.org http://t.co/rQdcoEyAx8 is a non-profit dedicated to exposing all students to computer science. Anybody can learn. Homepage
@ColsCitySchools ColumbusCitySchools Columbus City Schools –
Ohio’s largest school district. #SpiritofCCS
@ColumbusiF ColumbusIdeaFoundry Community workshop, creative coworking space & learning center Homepage
@CommonSenseEd Common Sense Ed Digital learning and leadership tools for educators. Digital citizenship resources, recommended tech tools, lesson plans, and more. #digcit #edtech Homepage
@Conti_jen Jennifer Conti My #edtech #teacherleader role has begun! I am on way to help the many integrate #edtech with #curriculum Join me on the journey!!!
@CoopTech_plsd Jena Cooper Mom to 2 amazing boys, Lucky wife, Technology Coordinator at Pickerington Schools, Blended Learning Coach, Project Manager and VEX Robotics Trainer and Judge.
@correia65 Ana-Paula Correia Ana-Paula Correia, Associate Professor of Learning Technologies @OhioState. Learning Designer. Homepage
@COSI COSI Science Center Columbus, Ohio’s dynamic hands-on science center, ranked #1 by Parents Magazine! Homepage
@CoSN CoSN CoSN serves as a voice and resource for K-12 EdTech leaders, serving more than 11M students in districts nationwide. #edtech #digitalequity Homepage
@CraftReadGeek Tamra Dugan Lover of libraries, creator of unfinished crafts, fluent speaker of sarcasm
@Craig_Sybert Craig Sybert #TLDChat, Training & Development Specialist, eLearning consultant, developer, technology buff, guitarist 2nd class, Mtg-er, and learning something new today. Homepage
@credly Credly Give Credit where Credit’s Due. Use Credly to issue and manage digital credentials and badges. Developers of the Open Credit API & https://t.co/S2C5zkBSy7. Homepage
@CSCCgrants CSCC Grants Office
@d_kaser David Kaser
@dailydingfund DailyDing Whether you are a Private, Public or Charter School in the Inner City, Suburbs or Rural America, we can help your school(s) with some much needed funding!
@davefranko David Franko MOPAR Enthusiast, OSU Fan. 20 Years IT experience as a customer, partner and vendor. EE Degree. SLED sales rep for NetApp OH. Tweets are my own. Homepage
@DaveHahn15 Dave Hahn Conference Planner for the Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC)

Tweets are my own

@DavidMathletics David Lashar Mathletics is an essential online mathematics resource that enables a unique blend of teacher-led instruction and student-driven learning. Homepage
@davidmccreary David McCreary If I had a nickel for every time I’ve accidentally eaten an eye booger, I’d have fifteen cents. Comedian. Magician. Some TV. Just put me in front of people. Homepage
@dawn_schiavone Dawn Schiavone Wife. Mom. Director of Technology, Oregon City Schools. If I’m not working, I love spending time with my family & friends and playing with technology.
@dchris174 Diane Christensen Library Media Specialist, Quilter, Geocacher, Owned by a Welsh Corgi!
@DCSSweet Scott A. Sweet TST at Dublin City Schools, educational technologist, Google Education Trainer
@DebFilar Deb Filar
@Dell Dell Official news from Dell. Need Support? Tweet @DellCares; Business Support: @DellCaresPro; Global Support List: https://t.co/fcRbbO118u Homepage
@Desmos Desmos.com Explore math with our free online graphing calculator and networked classroom activities! Tweets by @lukeselfwalker, @eluberoff (eli), @ddmeyer (dan) Homepage
@Desmos Desmos.com Explore math with our free online graphing calculator and networked classroom activities! Tweets by @lukeselfwalker, @eluberoff (eli), @ddmeyer (dan) Homepage
@DigiAdams Heidi Adams Mom & Wife | @LakotaDistrict Digital Learning Specialist | Google Certified Educator | Teacher | Science Lover | #WEareLakota
@DirkerTricia Tricia Dirker
@DitchThatTxtbk Ditch That Textbook Teaching with less reliance on the textbook with focus on #edtech and creative teaching. Homepage
@djenkins325 Dave Jenkins Passionate educational leader, education hacker, Maker advocate, and all around tech geek. Homepage
@DNRStudiosCEO Instagram: DNRStudios CEO & Founder of DNRStudios. Subscribe For Awesome Music Of All Gernres. DNRStudios Music Promoter. Homepage
@doccathschools DOCCatholicSchools Office of Catechetical Formation and Education Homepage
@DocLRivera Dr. Lonny Rivera Director of Innovation – North Point ESC
@dougcozad Doug Cozad Father of 4, married to Amy, and Assistant Superintendent at Franklin City Schools.
@Dr_EdKlein Ed Klein Father, Husband, Friend, Assistant Superintendent at Chardon Local Schools – Lead with Purpose
@DreamBox_Learn DreamBox Learning Empowering students to master key concepts through a rigorous and adaptive K-8 online math program! We are hiring! https://t.co/Srsb798YVs Homepage
@DrEDiamond4 eileen Educator, oMA, wife & parent trying to focus on life blessings & enjoying the journey
@drewtfarrell Mr. Farrell Ed-Tech Coach for Westerville City Schools Homepage
@DriveMindGroup DriveMind Group Accelerating Change in Education Homepage
@drmackzum David L. Mackzum Student Centric- Staff Supportive -Education Administration- Creative Divergent Thinker Homepage
@DrSuess Dr Seuss read yourself silly
@dsdPD Marcia Kish Making every moment count in education. We specialize in blended learning, differentiated professional development, onsite coaching, and extended learning. Homepage
@dtymitz Danielle Tymitz Wife, Mom, Runner, Teacher, Trainer, Designer, EdTech enthusiast
@dublin Dublin If you love Dublin, Follow us!
@DublinITAcademy Dublin IT Academy Drones. Raspberry Pis. Arduinos. Programming. Web Design. Mentors. The Future of technology!
@DublinSchools Dublin City Schools Dublin City Schools is one of Ohio’s best school districts and the 10th largest in the state. #theDublinDifference Homepage
@Dwight_Carter Dwight Carter New Albany HS Principal, NASSP Digital Principal, co-author, speaker, teacher, learner. #BeGreat. #CopeAdjustTransform. Views are my own. Homepage
@E_Sheninger Eric Sheninger Senior Fellow at @RigorRelevance ~ Award-winning principal, learner, best-selling author, international keynote speaker, #digilead | Thoughts are my own Homepage
@E_Sheninger Eric Sheninger Senior Fellow at @RigorRelevance ~ Award-winning principal, learner, best-selling author, international keynote speaker, #digilead | Thoughts are my own Homepage
@eCom_Bethany Bethany Taylor Junior Instructional Designer. Professional learner. Enjoys spreading that learning to others. Likes traveling and pizza (too much). #elearning @eComScotland Homepage
@EdCampOKC EdCamp OKC Unconference devoted to K-20 education idea sharing March 3, 2018 at Irving Middle School @irvingmscougars in Norman, Oklahoma @NormanSchools. Share #EdCampOKC Homepage
@EdciteTeam Edcite Team Edcite is a comprehensive education platform equipping teachers with customizable, digital resources. And we’re free! Homepage
@EdSuperHighway EdSuperHighway EducationSuperHighway is the leading non-profit working to ensure all classrooms are connected to high-speed broadband. Homepage
@EdTechCoaches EdTechCoachesNetwork Coaches, tech facilitators, tech integration specialists, & others who help classroom teachers integrate technology. #ETCoaches Homepage
@edtechgirl Char Shryock I am a Dir. of Curriculum. My passion is equity in education for all Ss. State lead OH Standards Advocates , Collaborative for Student Success Teacher Champion Homepage
@edtechify Ceren Korkmaz Major edtech enthusiast @METU_ODTU @OhioState
@edtechjam Emily Gover I work for @Flocabulary, write occasionally, listen to too many podcasts + enjoy a proper cup of tea. Formerly @EasyBib + many a library. Tweets my own, folks. Homepage
@EdTechMarc Marc Callahan EdTech Enthusiast – Vintage Car Lover and wannabe Singer 911 owner – Husband, Father of 2, and Dog Lover Too!
@EdTechOhio Scott Sommer MS Tech Teacher 5-8|Google Educator Certification Level 1 & 2| Google Certified Trainer|ISTE Member|Khan Academy Ambassador|Raspberry Pi Certified Educator Homepage
@EdTechSandyK Sandy Kendell Believer | Learner | Educator | Connector | @Google Certified Educator | @Seesaw Ambassador | #education #txed #edtech #faith | This is my personal Twitter. Homepage
@edtechtalk EdTechTalk A collaborative community talking about educational technology Homepage
@edtechteam EdTechTeam, Inc. We inspire and empower educators around the globe. Homepage
@Edulastic Edulastic Edulastic is a FREE formative assessment tool. Discover or create standards-based online assessments, save time, and get immediate feedback. #edtech #education Homepage
@eecassaro Erin Teacher Librarian who values information literacy and maker mindset . Wife and Mom of two.
@Ehoveehrhardt Matt Ehrhardt Homepage
@EHOVEworks EHOVE Career Center Career Tech School of Choice for High School & Adult Education Homepage
@ehrhardt_matt Matt Ehrhardt Husband, Father, Educator, Sports Enthusiast #FutureReadyOH
@emerson_glen Glen Emerson Computer Teacher grades 5 – 8 #LifeHacker #oklaed
@emilycarle Emily Carle Hafer Program Manager for #AlphaSquirrels at @squirrels | Kent State alumna x2 | Lover of food, friends, dogs, edtech and positivity.
@EpiphanyK12 Epiphany Management Group Transforming organizations by helping them clarify their vision. We leverage advances in technology by providing out-sourced and managed solutions. Homepage
@EpsonAmerica Epson America The official Twitter destination for news, resources and information about Epson digital imaging solutions. Homepage
@ericcurts Eric Curts Tech Integrationist, Writer, Google for Education Certified Trainer and Innovator, Table-top Gamer, Geek, blog at https://t.co/cQtdbBvrt6 Homepage
@Ericlowe21 elowe Educator, Learner,Masters fan. Passionate about #tlap philosophy, building character & optimism Co-Author Your School Rocks…So Tell People #yourschoolrocks Homepage
@ericnentrup Eric Nentrup I work for kids by working for teachers. @GetAlma is my jam but opinions here are my own. #AlwaysLearning #cyclinglife #baseball Homepage
@Esri Esri Esri users create maps that run the world. #ArcGIS is an open platform for #GIS #maps #3D #imagery #AR #VR #data #analytics #dataviz #BigData #TheScienceofWhere Homepage
@etechtradein eTechTradeIn maximizing your tech investment got 10,000 iPads we will come get ’em #tradein #tradeup put the latest greatest tech in your kids hands Homepage
@ETRoundup The EdTech Roundup The EdTech Roundup is home to #edtech news & reviews. Written by Mike Karlin | Ph.D student & associate instructor at Indiana University | Former K-12 teacher Homepage
@EVERFI EVERFI EVERFI is the leading education technology company that provides scalable digital real world education for millions of students of all ages. Homepage
@ExportJack Jack P. Willson CleverTouch International
@FairbanksLearns Fairbanks Learns
@fcasida Fiona Casida Media Coordinator, Educator, Teacher Librarian, Tech Lover, Reader, Hiker, and Friend
@feedly Feedly Never stop learning! Homepage
@FFHS_WalkerB Bob Walker Felicity Franklin High School Principal Homepage
@fflsd Felicity-Franklin This is the official twitter account of the Felicity-Franklin Local School District. Homepage
@FinalForms FinalForms Manage data. Reduce liability. Guarantee compliance. Follow for @FinalForms features, news, and updates. #finalforms Homepage
@FitzpatrickC Charlie Fitzpatrick GIS in Schools Program Mgr at Esri. Only education can save the world. Homepage
@Five_StarTech Five-Star Technology Specializing in technology solutions for K-12 schools. We offer managed services, integration services, & a powerful software suite (Pivot). Homepage
@FJSHSRedmen FJSHS Fostoria Jr/Sr High School serves students in grades 7-12 and seeks to create, nurture and sustain a community where every young person feels valued.
@Flipboard Flipboard News for our time, personalized for any interest. Available in any app store and on the Web. Support, community, biz: @FlipboardCS @FlipboardMag @FlipMarketer Homepage
@ForwardEdgeOH Forward Edge Forward Edge leads the market in IT solutions for K-12/Higher Education. Homepage
@fowl_love Jessica L. Caton, MS @OhioState WOW #Science Outreach Program Coordinator | @michiganstateu BS Zoology, MS Wildlife Behavior | Tweets #birds, #enviroed, #scied, #nature, & #outreach Homepage
@FPSchools FairviewParkSchools Fairview Park City School District in beautiful Fairview Park, Ohio. Experience the #FairviewAdvantage Homepage
@frankpilato81 Frank Pilato GenYes IT teacher at Lake High School, Football coach, Advocare Advisor, owner of Spirithogz. Homepage
@FridayInstitute Friday Institute The mission of the Friday Institute is to advance education through innovation in teaching, learning, and leadership. #ncsu_ced Homepage
@FutureReady Future Ready #FutureReady is developing the capacity to transform teaching & personalize learning for ALL students using digital tools. Check out more! Homepage
@Garlicsuter Mark Suter Husband. Father. Teacher of entrepreneurial Computer Science students. Believer in @RWScholars Homepage
@GetClearTouch Clear Touch Interact Differently Homepage
@ggeitgey Gayle Geitgey Learner, Instructional integration specialist, adjunct instructor, and conference presenter
@GIAcademy Global Impact We’re a regional STEM school that prepares our students for their futures in food, energy, environment and more through problem-based, hands-on learning. Homepage
@globaledcon GlobalEdCon Hosting virtual & physical global education events https://t.co/3kUg9laj9I. Next up is Global Education Day at #TCEA. Register here: https://t.co/HU3upO2FKU Homepage
@GLSMoweryFalcon Adam Mowery Secondary Education Coordinator
Graham Local Schools
@GLSSuperFalcon Kirk Koennecke Proud husband, father of 5, grandfather, Buckeye, Executive Director Ohio Small & Rural Collaborative @ohio_src and Superintendent of Graham Local Schools Homepage
@gnagy5 Greg Nagy
@goguardian GoGuardian Chromebooks are better with GoGuardian! Cloud-based filtering, analytics, and classroom management for schools. Careers – @goguardianHQ Homepage
@Google Google News and updates from Google Homepage
@Google Google News and updates from Google Homepage
@googlechrome Google Chrome The official Twitter account for the Google Chrome browser, OS, Chromebooks, Chromecast, and Web Store Homepage
@GoogleForEdu Google For Education Helping prepare students to create the future. The best of Google, for education. Follow for product announcements, program updates and news #GoogleEdu Homepage
@GoogleLitTrips Jerome Burg, Founder Google Earth Meets Great Literature! Homepage
@goswivl Swivl Your partner in the classroom. #GoSwivl to create a culture of support in education. Swivling in 30k schools and businesses worldwide. Maker of @RecapThat. Homepage
@gotynker Tynker Tynker makes it fun for kids to learn programming. We offer self-paced courses and grade-specific curriculum used by over 50 million kids at home and at school. Homepage
@GrahamSchools Graham Local Schools Success Today, Prepared For Tomorrow Homepage
@greenemiddle Ben Mahas Husband, Father, Algebra Teacher, and Coach
@grit9design Grit Nine
@gutermuthc Chris Gutermuth
@Hacking_STEM Hacking STEM A Hack for Good – We are a resource for educators, delivering inquiry and project based lessons that compliment 21st century STEM curriculum through Microsoft Homepage
@handchallenge Hand Challenge
@hapara_team Hapara Team We power connected learning for teachers and learners. Homepage
@hardyeDACC Emily Hardy Science Instructor at DACC teaching for forensics, anatomy and physiology, and chemistry.
@HCESCtech Tech Assistance Grp Helping you teach, learn, and lead with technology. Homepage
@Heinzelmann_ja Jacquelyn Heinzelman Level II Google Certified Educator and Technology Integrationist for Locust Corner & Monroe Elementary Schools, in the New Richmond EV School District.
@HeritageMS_WCS Heritage MS Official Twitter feed of Heritage Middle School. Follow us for updates and announcements concerning our learning community and PRIDE program. Go Huskies! Homepage
@Hillt79 Teresa Hill Computer Science and Technology Teacher
@hiramcollege Hiram College The official Twitter account of Hiram College, connecting students, alumni, faculty/staff and friends around the world. Homepage
@HohlerSara Sara Hohler
@HoloLens Microsoft HoloLens The official Twitter account of Microsoft HoloLens. Sign up for our newsletter: https://t.co/uz7qMqcdZs Homepage
@holtkala Laura Holtkamp Innovative Instructional Coach Loveland City Schools, I love to teach, Mama of 3 kids, Wife to Engineer
@IamCPS I Am CPS Cincinnati Public Schools — preparing students for life Homepage
@Illuminateed Illuminate Education Illuminate Education is the leading provider of K-12 #technology & services. We create #tools that #educators can use to promote educator and #student success. Homepage
@IMDb IMDb The folks at IMDb talking about movies, TV and celebrities. Homepage
@infohio INFOhio Our Vision: Each Ohio PreK-12 student has equal access to high quality digital resources for a successful education and future. Homepage
@infohio INFOhio Our Vision: Each Ohio PreK-12 student has equal access to high quality digital resources for a successful education and future. Homepage
@instagram Instagram Strengthening relationships through shared experiences. Curated by Instagram’s community team. Need help? Visit https://t.co/OQR3Kbbcdw. Homepage
@InventionLeague The Invention League @STEMIECoalition affiliate program & provider of Invention Convention, where students K-12 invent solutions for everyday problems! [email protected] Homepage
@iPadMediaCamp iPad Media Camp 3 day, hands-on, F2F, BYO-iPad workshop led & facilitated by @wfryer & @sfryer #create2learn Badges: https://t.co/vwGinhkqxG Homepage
@ipevo IPEVO IPEVO is a whole new approach to classroom technology. We believe that classroom technology should allow educators to do more at a lower price. Homepage
@iReyn Brian Reynolds District Technology Coordinator. Google for Education Certified Trainer. #EdTech enthusiast. Buckeye. Cleveland sports fan. Husband and Father. Homepage
@ISTELearnSpaces ISTE Learning Spaces The Professional Learning Network for those who modify their learning space to engage students. #learningspaces Homepage
@iTeachLipscomb Keith W. O’Neal Instructional Designer @Lipscomb Univ. Center for Teaching & Learning | Tweeting #EdTech ideas, news, & resources | EduSpeaker | #eduFollowChallenge Homepage
@itipohio ITIP Ohio Homepage
@ITsavvyLLC ITsavvy Shaking up the IT industry as a combined product reseller and provider of Engineered, Cloud, Managed and Unified Comm solutions. All that and peace of mind. Homepage
@jacksonAHS Shawn Jackson Proud Principal of AHS #RepThatA
@JakeMillerTech Jake Miller authorized Google Education Trainer, Tech Integration Specialist in OrangeCS, Former #SMFCSD #STEM Math & Sci Teacher, #GAFE Nerd, spreadsheet fan, father of 3. Homepage
@JamiDanielle Jami D Packer 6th Grade Math Teacher #MTBoS Homepage
@JCESC_VLA JCESC VLA JCESC Virtual Learning Academy – Accredited Online Curriculum Provider Homepage
@Jeffie_Sileo Jeffie Sileo Salam I’m Great on camera . Book Me on my profile Homepage
@jenconkle Jennifer Conkle
@JenFry1 Jennifer Fry K-12 Technology Integration/Library Media Coordinator Westerville City Schools
@jengov Jen
@jennaleep13 Jenna Pollock
@jensader Jennifer Sader Lifelong learner and teacher with expertise in online learning, technology, and social media. Recreational triathlete, nature lover, amateur artist. Homepage
@JFBKnights J.F. Burns Elem
@jfrenchiee Ms. Frenchik Passionate Marketing Teacher. DECAcated #DECA Advisor.Teachable. Traveler. Reader. Instructional Tech Coach. BGSU Alumini. Pursuing my MBA at CSU
@JillJonesteach Jill Jones I strive to be what E.B. White said of Charlotte: A true friend and a good writer. Add teacher to that and it’s perfect.
@jjrc93 Jerri Cummings
@JMarcHopkins J. Marc Hopkins The #SMBCIO: Working to improve education’s economic sustainability. Homepage
@joellemc3 Joelle McConnell Demonstration classroom coach in Cincinnati Public Schools. 21st century skills, technology, problem solving, preparing all students for college and careers. Homepage
@john_sileo John Sileo John Sileo, Keynote Speaker Defending Your Online Privacy, Identity & Reputation Homepage
@johncase142 John Case Technology Coordinator, father, husband, and cyclist. Views are my own. Homepage
@JohnKasich John Kasich Husband, Dad and Governor of Ohio. Learn more about my new book at https://t.co/Vdhq3le6UO Homepage
@jon_zurfluh Jon Zurfluh Learner, Educator, Leader – Director at the American School of Warsaw and lifelong teacher with a career that spans three continents. Homepage
@jsnhubbard Jason Hubbard Husband and Father, STEM Educator 5th/6th at Hull Prairie Intermediate, Advocate for Creativity and Design Thinking, Apple Teacher, #hubbclass
@JuliaSween Julia Sweeney CA born, working in Ireland & US | TFA alum | Passionate abt the rights of children, education, ed policy, & edtech | Director of Sales for @edciteteam Homepage
@JulieMaynard11 Julie Maynard Graduate Student, The Ohio State University. OSU MIddle Childhood Education Supervisor. @officialvoki Ambassador
@k12online k12online Free worldwide online conference for educators centered on 21st century learning. Homepage
@Kajeet Kajeet We provide a safe, affordable Internet solution for students everywhere with the SmartSpot & SmartBus solutions, portable Wi-Fi for students & schools! Homepage
@KamuelaLee Henry Kamuela Lee Leadership Intern Columbus City Schools Independence High School
@Katie_M_Ritter Katie Siemer Director of Curriculum & Tech Integration @ForwardEdgeOH, ISTE #ETCoaches PLN Leader, Google Certified Innovator #GoogleEI #MTV16 & Trainer, GEG Ohio Co-Leader Homepage
@KatieBCycle614 Katie Benton
@KatieDainsHMS MrsDainsHMS 6th grade math at Harmon Middle School. Harry Potter expert. Technology enthusiast.
@katricequitter Katrice Quitter Education Consultant at Hamilton County ESC. A passion for all things teaching and learning. Always asking myself and teachers, What is best for kids!? Homepage
@kellycroy Kelly Croy Speaker, Artist, Author & Educator. Married to @lorraincroy. Father of four girls. I am @wirededucator Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher, Homepage
@kellymgaier Kelly Gaier Evans Helping kids succeed. Managing learning community of 1000+ educators as part of STEM education @Battelle. Alum of @OhioHigherEd, @TeachForAmerica
@kellyscarbroug1 kelly scarbrough Future Ready Instructional Coach. Educator @LakotaDistrict #WEareLakota. Wife and Mom of 3. “The job of love is to realize the potential in others.” -Bono
@KentonWCC Kenton WCC Kenton High School’s Wildcat Community Connectors (WCC) internship program. Homepage
@kevenrinaman Keven Rinaman, M. Ed. Dir of Tech – Calvert Catholic Schools Views expressed are my own. Blog: @teachtoolbox Google Certified Educator. @WGU MEd, Learning & Tech graduate Homepage
@kghantous Kevin Ghantous Husband, father of three and a cat/dog, Christ follower. @Learn21Team IT OptMgr. Using my skills to empower educators. Matthew 7:12 Homepage
@kheidlearn4life Krista Heidenreich Director of Digital Learning at Lakota Local~Wife and Mom~Teaching is my passion…always has been and always will be!
@KidsDeserveIt Kids Deserve It Challenging conventional thinking and pushing boundaries. Because Kids Deserve It. KDI Book on Amazon (co-founded by @awelcome & @techninjatodd Homepage
@kiefersj Sarah Kiefer Wife, Mom of 3, Teacher, Google Certified Trainer, Google Certified Educator Levels 1 & 2 Homepage
@KMEKnights KME Knights Shawn Rosekrans
@kmohr Kathy Mohr Director of Technology and Professional Development at North Central Ohio ESC and Ashland University Adjunct Homepage
@KnappTimeDK David Knapp Director of Technology and Innovation, Loveland City School District, #TigerGrowth, #TigerInnovation // #GoogleEI // Husband, dad, learner, music snob. Homepage
@knyzen Kelly Nyzen Wife, Mother of 3 little ones, Chemistry Teacher, Cattle Farmer, Google Certified Educator and Alpha Squirrel
@konik_kris Kris Konik
@kris_dobbelaere Kris Dobbelaere
@KristinEVERFI Kristin Beller EVERFI Schools Manager, Ohio | Providing critical skills education, at no cost to K-12 Schools | @BGSU + @CLE_State Alum Homepage
@KuhlinsSTEM Mr. Kuhlins Tech & STEM facilitator, Masters Instructional Technology, Massillon, OH, Husband,Parent, Tech Enthusiast, Make me smile with Apple, Harley, & John Deere & Beef Homepage
@L21OhioCoSN Ohio CoSN Ohio chapter CoSN ~ Educational Technology Leadership, Mentoring and Advocating for Ed Tech Leaders of Ohio Homepage
@LakeLocalSD Lake Local Schools Lake Local Schools is rated Excellent with Distinction by the ODE. OUTSTANDING RESULTS + RESPONSIBLE SPENDING = http://t.co/XgUUrUByoE Homepage
@LakotaSuper Matt Miller Lakota Local Schools Superintendent. Public Ed, Student Voice & Ed Innovation. @TEDx Talker. NSBA Top 20 to Watch. #WEareLakota Working on a Dream
@laura_g0719 laura goldman live for today because there may not be a tomorrow
@lbubnick1 Laura Bubnick Instructional Technology Consultant | Google Certified | Science Teacher | Happily working for @HCESCtech Homepage
@LearningBlade Learning Blade http://t.co/LfKEt0pmTA Homepage
@leemunoz1313 Lee Munoz Lake High School Associate Principal Uniontown, Ohio Homepage
@LEGO_Education LEGO Education A division of The LEGO Group. We enable every student to succeed through #PlayfulLearning experiences. For Support: https://t.co/Q03uGO4HtO Homepage
@LibraryManJim Jim Martin
@lieberrian Kristina A. Holzweiss @sljournal School Librarian of the Year @NSBAComm 20 to Watch @LongIslandLEADS President @SLIMEexpo Founder, ISTE Speaker, Scholastic Author, @Ducks4Laryssa Homepage
@linbergkm Kristina Linberg Digital Learning Specialist and Instructional Coach @ Lakota Local SD
@lionsteaching Alan Lindner Technology Integrationist at New Richmond Elementary School Homepage
@lisaacola Lisa Colapietro
@lisachambers Lisa M. Chambers @techcorps_org National Director working to educate, excite and empower #K12 students and teachers with #technology. Big fan #PBS, #MarchMadness & #CSforAll Homepage
@lisashambaugh Lisa Shambaugh UA Instructional Leader, #edtech geek, 2001 #NBCT. #Google certified. Interests include information literacy, tech tools, literature, ELA
@littleBits littleBits littleBits provides technology kits that are fun, easy-to-use, and infinitely creative. The kits make complex STEM/STEAM simple and fun! Homepage
@LKMilam Lauren Milam Acree forever a teacher & student, education policy enthusiast, lover of all things sweet. Work at @FridayInstitute. opinions are my own Homepage
@LLacrosse Leah LaCrosse 8th grade science teacher, National Board Certified Teacher, ADE ’13, CASIS Fellow, love tech in education, District Winner for Shell Science Lab Challenge. Homepage
@LocknCharge LocknCharge Making life easier is our purpose. At LocknCharge we develop solutions for managing deployments of mobile technology. We are international brand of #pclocs. Homepage
@LogisoftCom Logisoft A true technology partner in today’s changing world. Celebrating 25 years of technology. #edtech #edchat #edu Homepage
@LongChristian Christian Long Digital Innovation Administrator, Oak Hills Local School District #HighlanderInnovation #OHLSDTechTips | Fan of Family, Fun & Google | Husband, Father & Friend
@loriannegreen Lori Green Principal at Winchester Trail Elementary School…..loving life each and every day:) Views are my own. #fitnessedu
@lovelandtigers Loveland Tigers Progressive & vibrant the Loveland City School District is a destination district focused on the complete student experience. GO TIGERS! Homepage
@lyrics4learning Whitney Robinson Assistant Principal at Harmon Middle School – Pickerington Local Schools #edtech #googleEDU #blendedlearning
@M1keMyers Mike Myers Manager of Youth/Education Programs at the Pro Football Hall of Fame; Don’t expect people to understand your grind when God didn’t give them your vision.
@M_Prohaska Melissa Prohaska authorized Google Certified Trainer, Instructional Technology Specialist
@MADLearn MAD-learn #ATL #EdTech startup helping educators teach mobile #appdev in classrooms. #CSforAll sponsor, #CTE and #STEM advocate. Homepage
@mahon2amanda Amanda Mahon Director of Education @ Mid-Ohio ESC
@makerbot MakerBot Discover innovation with MakerBot. Homepage
@makergear MakerGear MakerGear 3D printers combine precision-machined performance with top-rated reliability & open-source adaptability. Homepage
@MakeTechFun Michael Triska Technology Integration Trainer NORT2H, Google Certified Educator Levels 1 & 2, Changing teaching & learning through the meaningful integration of technology. Homepage
@makeymakey Makey Makey Computers are going bananas! Use #makeymakey to practice invention literacy and connect the world to your computer. Homepage
@marksilCDWG marksil K12 Field Account Executive for Ohio. Happy husband and father of three. Helping customer infuse technology into the classroom and make IT more productive. Homepage
@MarysvilleECHS EC STEM @M
@materna_e Emily Materna Passionate educator. Lover of learning. Hoping to change the world one mind at a time.
@Mathletics3PL Mathletics Mathletics is the world’s No.1 e-learning platform for mathematics. Follow us for the latest news & updates for our huge community of schools across the globe. Homepage
@mdeniselutz M. Denise Lutz Chief Technology Officer Upper Arlington City Schools. Applying past experiences in ed tech & school administration to educational adventures yet to be defined.
@mdroush Michael Roush Technology Integration Specialist for https://t.co/qNKrWcg5rD. All tweets mine. TEDxWorthington speaker. UDL, AT, presumed competence, design thinking. Go #CBJ! Homepage
@mebenson melissa benson Google for Education Consultant @ https://t.co/FVOqJKTdAY / Minnesota sports follower / Avid sweatpants wearer Homepage
@MECTC_Buffalo Mid-East_Buffalo
@meghanfrazer Meghan Frazer technology nerd, librarian, writer, sports fan, cover song aficionado, cancer survivor. opinions and retweets my own.
@Mel_Wightman Melanie M Wightman Storyteller; Once and Future Teacher; Always a Learner. Views are my own… Homepage
@melisshiggs Melissa Higgs eLearning Specialist for INFOhio, distance learning, educational technology, learner, mother, grandmother, political volunteer
@meme3rat MeMe Ratliff WBTs mom | Tchr Engagement guru w @JCPSKY, @HSG_KY & @ECET2KY | @JCPSforward co-founder | Fmr @GatesEd Tchr Advisory Council | #JCPSChat, #JCPSDL, #KYGoDigital Homepage
@MetaverseApp Metaverse Metaverse is an Augmented Reality Platform that makes it easy for non-programmers to create sophisticated, interactive, AR experiences. Homepage
@mhauden Mike Haudenschild Husband, #dad, lifelong learner. I tweet about #education, #leadership, #CX, #IT, and improving #work. Proud #nerd. Laughs too loud. Opinions mine, but I share. Homepage
@MichaelakaThor Michael B Teacher, photographer, husband, and father
@microbit_edu Micro:bit Foundation The home of the BBC micro:bit. Empowering children, parents and teachers around the globe to learn, innovate and invent using the #microbit Homepage
@MicrosoftEDU Microsoft Education Empowering every student and educator to achieve more with the best of Microsoft tips and resources for education. #MicrosoftEDU Homepage
@Miles6412 Mark Iles
@Milford_Schools Milford Schools Milford School District’s mission is to inspire and prepare our students to reach their fullest potential in a diverse and dynamic world. #MilfordSoars Homepage
@miller_jen32 Jennifer Miller Demonstration Teacher/Coach…infusing technology into every day math lessons…Keeping kids engaged in learning. Homepage
@mindy_balster Mindy Balster
@Minecraft Minecraft Survive the night, or build a work of art. Minecraft game updates from the @Mojang team. Homepage
@MissPolitano Miss Politano First Grade teacher at Evamere Elementary School, in Hudson, Ohio. R9 can’t wait to share our first grade fun with you!
@MJjbuck Jocelynn Buckentin Tech Innovation Specialist, MA in #EdTech, Level 2 Google Educator, #Seesaw Ambassador, #Flipgrid and #Nearpod Educator, Social Studies teacher and mom of 2. Homepage
@MMarcum13 DMS/HMS technology 5th and 6th grade Technology at Diley and Harmon Middle school
@mojonetworks_ Mojo Networks Simply brilliant cloud WiFi. Delivering massively scalable, secure, cloud managed WiFi. #CognitiveWiFi Homepage
@moreismohr Matthew Mohr Digital/Physical Artist and Associate Professor of Design @CCADedu Homepage
@MoreThanATech Mike Daugherty K-12 Director of Technology, #CETL, #GoogleEI #WDC17, 1:1 Expert, Speaker, #Edtech junkie, Author (https://t.co/6Kebn1RJO1), #Bengals Fan, Always learning. Homepage
@morgankolis Morgan Kolis Special ed teacher, reading specialist, learner, maker, writer, painter, #ALLinCLE Check out our makerspace-https://t.co/BScqbMAkdZ. Homepage
@MR_C_EngTeach Sean Collins
@Mr_Halterman Mr. Halterman Ed Tech Integration Coach in Westerville City Schools / Educational Devil’s Advocate / Loyal Oppositionist / Data Skeptic / Homework Myth Denier
@mr_rcollins Ryan Collins Director of Technology for Kenton City Schools


@MrBillySpicer Billy Spicer Instructional coach in suburban Chicago who strives to enhance student learning through meaningful experiences. I also enjoy hotdogs, coffee, and records.
@MrCaptain219 Mr. Captain #SecondistheBest at Fairwood Elementary!
@mreneewalsh Renee Walsh Instructional Coach 3-5 | Empowering all teachers for success | Licensed & aspiring administrator | Growing minds through engaging strategies | #CWway
@mres Mitchel Resnick Professor of Learning Research at MIT Media Lab, author of Lifelong Kindergarten, and head of the Scratch Team (https://t.co/0fr5MgPPk9) Homepage
@MrGrifftastic Eric Griffith Director of IT for the Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District in Ohio, Tech Presenter, Co-host of the State of Tech Podcast, & occasionally a funny guy. Homepage
@MrGrodek Tom Grodek Father, Husband, Brother, Son, Friend, Assistant Principal at Bay Middle School, Eater, Browns Fan, Reader, Coffee Drinker, Baller.
@mrlanzoff Matt Lanzoff Educator, tech geek, and serving leader seeking to empower people to personalize learning.
@MrMacRaild Ryan MacRaild Tech Teacher BBHMS Trainer/ Presenter. MAEd. Soccer Coach. Social Media Freelancer. Curler. Motorcyclist. Kayaker. Boater. Fisher. Karaoker. Eagle Scout. Scot. Homepage
@MrRobinLBaker Robin Baker Technology Integration Specialist at Ross High School
@Mrs_Morgan09 Mrs. Amy Morgan Mom of 2 Awesome Kids, Wife to Great Guy, Lover of God, believer of His plan for us, Technology Director at a STEM school, past Grade 2 Teacher
@MrsAnnTrotter Mrs. Ann Trotter New Albany High School English Teacher : #MrsTrottersAPENG11 : Blended Learning Advocate : #Schoology Enthusiast : The world is your oyster : #FollowYourBliss
@MrsBdunk Brittanie
@MrsBimonte Amanda Bimonte Innovative Instructional Coach, Loveland High School
@MrsDEnglish Mrs. Dufresne English teacher!
@MrsH_Anthony Mrs Anthony Math Teacher at Dublin Jerome High School Arizona State Alum Go Devils!
@mrshorstmanmath Kelly Horstman Math teacher, Desmos fanatic, Mom of boys
@mrshowell24 Stephanie Howell Instructional Technology Coordinator Homepage
@mrskalthoff Angie Kalthoff Giving myself permission to try. Sharing my experience along the way. Homepage
@MrsLitzScience Claudia Litz 9th grade phy sci teacher in a blended learning 1:1 classroom incorporating station rotations & PBL!
@mrsmediatech kathy aurigemma Passionate Educator, SWOCA’s Instructional Technology Integration Specialist, INFOhio Liaison, School Librarian, Change Agent, Futurist, Mamagemma, Friend Homepage
@MrsPavlasek Kris Pavlasek Greensview Elementary Teacher, Ed Tech cheerleader, forever learner, proud educator & Momma.
@MrsPetraska Mrs. Petraska English enthusiast, lover of learning, and excellent pun maker. Proud teacher and coach at Hudson High School.
@MrsSarahMowery Sarah Mowery Wife, Mom of 2 girls and Blended Learning and Media Specialist #pacerpride #istechat #ohedchat #tlchat #lifelonglearner Views are my own. Homepage
@MrsTsLLC TheTeacherLibrarian LLC Director @ #CWway |The future of the world is in my school | Aspiring administrator | Democratic pedagogy | #habitsofmind #FutureReadyOH Homepage
@mrterborg Mr. Terborg Conductor and composer of learning opportunities for up to 1,000 students at an elementary school library. AlphaSquirrel for @ReflectorApp
@Ms_Lippy Karon Lippincott Mother, Wife, Library Teacher, Tech-geek and concerned citizen
Google Certified Educator & all around Google Junkie
@msafko27 Megan Safko Preslin Technology Training Administrator;
Cincinnati Public Schools
@msfilas Danielle Filas Google Education Certified Trainer & Innovator, NWP Consultant, an actor/director/writer, an improvising educator w/Say Yes & sometimes I sleep. Homepage
@mshEducation M. Sean Hickey Educator, education nerd, technophile, and all-around smarty pants…
@MSMakeCode Microsoft MakeCode Microsoft #MakeCode brings computer science to life with fun projects, immediate results, and both blocks and text editors for learners of all levels! Homepage
@mspurlock_CaTT Molly Spurlock Celebrating 15 years in Lakewood! Love facilitating learning through technology as a CaTT (Curriculum and Technology Teacher)
@MulcaheyEmily Emily Mulcahey
@myClevertouch Clevertouch Official Twitter account for the multi award winning Clevertouch Collaborative Interactive Displays for the corporate, education, retail #ProAV #Clevertouch Homepage
@nancylarker Nancy Larker believer. wife. mother. CEO/President @s3techs chocolate consumer. wine lover. food enthusiast. joy seeker. Homepage
@NASAedu NASA Education Discover NASA education programs, events and resources with @NASAedu. Homepage
@NASAglenn NASA Glenn Research NASA Glenn is advancing exploration of our solar system and beyond while maintaining global leadership in aeronautics. Homepage
@nathan_stevens Nathan Stevens Darth Maker, Teachwithyour series, The Education Anti-hero, MAKER of things, my opinions should be yours, Paper distinguished Educator, certified in 0 Homepage
@ncoescpd NCOESC PD
@NCTV11 NCtv Homepage
@nearpod Nearpod Helping educators transform teaching and learning with our interactive classroom solution. Share your experiences with #Nearpod. Homepage
@NEOnetOH NEOnet NEOnet is an Information Technology Center proudly serving school districts throughout Northeast Ohio to improve student education through the use of technology Homepage
@NetApp NetApp NetApp is the leader in data insight, access, & control for hybrid cloud environments. Need help? Follow @NetAppAssist! #DataDriven Homepage
@Netop_Edu Netop Vision #ClassroomManagement Software Homepage
@Newsela Newsela Newsela is an Instructional Content Platform that supercharges reading engagement and learning in every subject. Homepage
@Nick Nick Fisher An integrated distribution solution. Homepage
@NordoniaSchools Nordonia Schools Inspiring every student to VALUE learning, community and EXCELLENCE. Homepage
@NVEAstroJones Jason Jones Dad, elementary principal, writer, baseball addict Homepage
@NWOstem NWOstem BGSU NWO aims to advance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for people of all ages. Homepage
@OELMA1 OELMA Homepage
@oetc OETC OETC is a nonprofit that makes purchasing technology simple, reliable, and affordable to meet the needs of teaching and learning. Homepage
@OfficeofEdTech Office of Ed Tech The Office of Educational Technology (OET) provides leadership for maximizing technology’s contribution to improving education at all levels. Homepage
@OHEducation OH Dept of Education News about public education in the Buckeye State from the Ohio Department of Education. #MyOhioClassroom #OhioLovesTeachers #ExtraCreditBlog #OhioEd Homepage
@OHEducationSupt Paolo DeMaria The official Twitter account of Ohio’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria. Homepage
@ohio_src Ohio SRC We are Ohio’s Small & Rural Leaders, bringing the power of the collaborative to our members! Proud affiliate of the National Rural Education Association. Homepage
@OhioBEMC Ohio BEMC Our Mission: To advance education & accelerate the learning of the citizens of this state through public educational broadcasting & video conferencing services. Homepage
@OhioDLA OhioDLA.org Promoting and fostering the formation of partnerships among schools and affiliates to further the effective use of distance learning. Homepage
@OhioEdTech OETC The premier state-level P-20 educational tech conference in the nation, welcoming more than 4,000 participants each year. #OETC18 will be Feb 13-15th, 2018. Homepage
@OhioLINK OhioLINK Consortium of 120 Ohio college and university libraries, plus the State Library of Ohio, working together to support Ohio students, faculty and researchers Homepage
@OhioStateComm OSU School of Comm The mission of The Ohio State University School of Communication is to achieve national and international distinction in research, teaching and service. Homepage
@ohiou Ohio University Official Twitter feed for Ohio University’s main campus in Athens, OH, maintained by University Communications & Marketing. http://t.co/MjxpQvK6ff Homepage
@OHMWelker Mike Welker Instruc. Designer, Coordinator of eLearning & Innovation(eLi), sometime History Adjunct and various duties as innovated, North Central State College(OH), Homepage
@OHschoolboards Ohio School Boards K-12 public education news, information, trends and tech from the Ohio School Boards Association. Also follow us at: http://t.co/BRz46pl3 Homepage
@ono3d ONO Smartphone 3D Printer Homepage
@OpenBadges Open Badges Open Badges makes it possible to recognize and showcase your skills & literacies across the Web, wherever you go.
v1.1 now at http://t.co/4WkDF3OEtV!
@OpenPUniversity Open University Open Popular University is the place where anyone anywhere any time can access high quality courses from leading universities around the world. Homepage
@OriginalMisterC Mister C Educator, Creates songs & music vids, Ohio PBS Lead Digital Innovator, Creates STEAM experiences, creator & host of #fullsteamahead https://t.co/la7cO4Vtw1 Homepage
@OSLN OSLN The Ohio STEM Learning Network brings the best in teaching and learning to Ohio classrooms – supported by state government, Ohio schools and @Battelle. Homepage
@Ozobot Ozobot Pocket-sized bots. Infinite Possibilities. #OzoSquad Homepage
@padcaster Padcaster Turn your iPad into a mobile production studio. #Padcaster is a complete multi media filmmaking solution for iPad and coming soon Padcaster VERSE for phones! Homepage
@padlet Padlet The easiest way to create and collaborate in the world. Homepage
@paolodemaria Paolo DeMaria My personal account – see @oheducationsupt for my professional account
@pascoscientific PASCO scientific Providing educators worldwide with innovative solutions for teaching science Homepage
@PaulEdTech Paul Brown Dad, Ed Tech enthusiast, Guitarist. Homepage
@paulmwalker Paul Walker Assistant Superintendent/Curriculum Director/Federal Programs Next Gen Testing Coordinator Homepage
@PBSLrnMedia PBS LearningMedia The go-to destination for instant access to over 120,000 FREE digital resources for teachers from America’s largest classroom, PBS. Homepage
@Perry_Pirates Perry Pirates A place to get scores/updates and photos for Perry Pirate athletics. Go Pirates! instagram: perry_pirates Homepage
@PerryMS_Lake Perry Middle School Perry Middle School which is a comprehensive middle school serving grades 5-8 in Lake County, Ohio. Homepage
@PhETsims PhET Sims Increasing #STEM literacy worldwide with free interactive simulations! #OER #edtech #math #science #physics #chemistry Interact, Discover, and Learn! Homepage
@piquea Arline Pique Director of Technology at Hamilton County ESC
@PlayWell_LLC Linnette Attai Founder of PlayWell, LLC, providing youth media & marketing compliance consulting – privacy, safety, advertising, social media and more. Homepage
@PLSD Pickerington Schools Educating For Tomorrow Homepage
@Pocket Pocket When you find something you want to read or watch later, save it to Pocket and view on any device, any time. http://t.co/TC9Iu0bkEX Homepage
@pporto Patti Porto
@PrincipalCMill Chad Miller Husband, Father, and Graham Elementary Principal, #FutureReadyOH Principal, Google Certified, #statusquodisruptor
@PrincipalKohls Jesse Kohls Elda Elementary… Tweets are the thoughts of the principal, Jesse Kohls Homepage
@ProFootballHOF Pro Football HOF Our Mission: Honor the Heroes of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values, Celebrate Excellence EVERYWHERE Homepage
@quizizz Quizizz Self-paced review tools that help every student celebrate their achievements. Tell us how you inspire your class! Homepage
@RachaleShowMe Rachale Kidwell ShowMe Marketing & Customer Success Manager | Flipped Learning Advocate | Coffee | Education Homepage
@raquepan Angela Raquepaw
@ReadNaturally Read Naturally Read Naturally provides supplemental intervention and assessment programs for struggling readers of all ages. Homepage
@RebeccaTaylor21 Rebecca Taylor HS #Science Teacher at @MarysvilleECHS | #WWIndianaTeaching Fellow | #TrailblazerOH Cohort | School Account @MsTaylorECHS | Participant in #scistuchat | #STEM
@ReflectorApp Reflector App Reflector is an AirPlay/Cast receiver that allows you to wirelessly display and record your iPad, iPhone, Chromebook or Android device screen on any Mac or PC. Homepage
@renee_coley Renee Coley 6th ELA & CS teacher|@ReynSchools|@ReynHAMS|@TechDiff4085| @codeorg CS Discoveries Facilitator|VEX robotics coach
@RevereLocal Revere Schools Homepage
@RhondaLuetje Rhonda Luetje Tech Integration Specialist Dublin OH | Google Certified Educator Level 1 & 2 | Choir Singer | Middle-Aged Woman on a Scooter | Beekeeper Homepage
@Ridleyb2017 Bridgette Proud & Blessed Mom ~ Director of Learning Innovation ~ Inspired by Dance, Positivity, Creativity, the Arts & Collaboration~ Lifelong Learner ~ Avid Sports Fan
@RightQuestion Right Question The Right Question Institute strives to make democracy work better by ensuring that all people can learn to ask better questions & participate in decisions. Homepage
@rikki613 Librikkian I like cats, books, and making snarky comments in 140 characters or less.
@robinpowell5555 Robin Powell
@robkovacs Rob Kovacs In need of more coffee. Communications Coordinator @HamiltonCoESC. Views expressed are mine. Homepage
@Ronbrogers Ron Rogers My passion is Universal Design for Learning, Assistive Technology, Cognitive Coaching, PBIS and one of the leaders of #UDLchat. Love God and my family .
@rozmuse Emily Rozmus Information junkie. Reading addict. Integration librarian. Ohio educator.
@ruckusnetworks Ruckus Networks Providing secure reliable access to Wi-Fi and delivering #SimplyBetterConnections Instagram: @ruckuswirelesswifi Homepage
@ryan_severson13 Ryan Severson 7-12 Principal/Assessment Coordinator/Technology Coordinator Battle Lake Schools
@ryanfalk Ryan Falk Director of Business Development @epiphanyk12 , Husband to @kalenafalk, Father of 3 Homepage
@ryanrismiller Ryan Rismiller Principal @GHS_Falcons. 2017 OASSA APY. RTI. Mediation. PBIS. Career & College Ready. NGLE. Father of 4. Husband. Life-long Learner. Love what you do! Homepage
@S3Techs S3 Technologies Full service technology. From design to installation and service, S3 is your solution. #Security #Networks #DigitalSignage #AudioVideo #A/V Like us on Facebook! Homepage
@SAS_Brunswick Saint Ambrose School Saint Ambrose Parish School is a Catholic community where Jesus Christ is everything for us and our students are challenged to reach their potential. Homepage
@SCCTC SpringfieldClark CTC Ohio’s first secondary Career Technology Center. Now working on being the best! Students, Families, and Staff: Follow us on Twitter! Homepage
@schinker John Schinker dad, educational technologist, brewer, musician, troublemaker, curmudgeon Homepage
@SchultzME4 Maddie Schultz Future teacher exploring and sharing tools and resources for technology in the classroom
@sciencejmt Julie T
@sciotolibrary Scioto HS Library Homepage
@scms_trojans SCMS South Central Middle School is a 5-8 building located in Greenwich, OH
@scratch Scratch Team Programming environment & online community where kids create, share, and remix stories, animations, & games. Created by @llkgroup at @medialab. Homepage
@SCStrongTech Strongsville Tech #scstrongtech Homepage
@seeingnewshapes Megan Thompson Art teacher in OKC @casadyschool. I teach grades 1-4 and LOVE LOVE LOVE the work I get to do with my students. Homepage
@SEIGMA6 Gar Seigla Technology Leader for Georgetown Exempted Village Schools Homepage
@SeymourEducate Brian Seymour Director of EdTech @PLSD | 1:1 District | 2017 Ohio Outstanding Tech Admin & #ISTE ’17 Making It Happen | #edtech #blendedlearning #GoogleEDU #CSforAll #OETC18 Homepage
@SFDTech SFD Tech Tech Department at SFDHS
@sgarton121 Steve Garton Senior Manager @CommonSenseEd Educator Musician Techie – opinions my own Homepage
@ShakerProfLearn ShakerProfLearn A professional learning resource for Shaker Heights School District Educators Homepage
@SheelerTech Scott Sheeler Ed Techie | College Ready Ohio | The Ohio State University | Proud Ohioian, Northeast Ohioian & ginger. | I tweet about education, technology, sports and food. Homepage
@sherryl_p Sherryl Proctor Math Teacher, Desmos Fellow, Mom of 2, soon-to-be 1st time Grandma #MTBoS!
@ShiftParadigm Mark E. Weston Ph.D. Working to enhance the learning of all students by harnessing power of tech to support proven instructional practices and to connect all levels of the system. Homepage
@ShineText Shine Shine makes it easier for you to take care of yourself. Download the new Shine app available for iOS!

Having issues with your account? Email [email protected]

@ShowWithMedia Show With Media Show What You Know With Media is a book series and digital literacy framework by Wesley Fryer. ATA @wfryer @iPadMediaCamp @VideosByWes Homepage
@Simplify3D Simplify3D Professional #3DPrinting software, compatible with 200+ 3D printers. V4.0 now available. Simplify the workflow, improve the results! https://t.co/XPcO727T4g Homepage
@SirmansClass Rosemary Sirmans CPS Technology Training Administrator, UD MSE Tech Enhanced Learning (K-12), Reading Endorsement (K-12). Love learning & teaching! Homepage
@six2ems Michael McGinnis
@SkypeClassroom Skype Classroom Skype in the Classroom is a global #MicrosoftEDU community of educators creating collaborative & free Skype lessons. Homepage
@SMART_Tech SMART Technologies Every student, and every teacher, has a unique greatness. The right technology, used in the right way, inspires all of us to discover, develop, and share it. Homepage
@smartintburg Susan Martin Lifelong Learner
@SMithEducates Shavonne Smith School climate and culture will never be the same. #AlterEdU “Never wanted to be a teacher-knew I had to be an educator.”- Me
#MicrosoftEdu Learning Consultant
@SnapCircuits SnapCircuits Snap Circuits by Elenco Electronics, Inc. Homepage
@snellyteach Mary Snellgrove Instructional Specialist for Butler County Educational Service Center in Hamilton Ohio Homepage
@sonyakprice Sonya Price Associate Principal at Madison Middle School (Grades 5-6) and Marathon Runner (yes, that’s 26.2 miles).
@SouthwestAir Southwest Airlines We run on #SouthwestHeart. Follow for news & stories about the greatest Employees & Customers in the world. For a formal response please use the link provided. Homepage
@soxnevad Susan Oxnevad Director of Education @ThingLink_EDU | Keynote Speaker | #VR Bootcamps | #TL_Cert Homepage
@Speaker_Experts The Speaker Experts 45+ years combined experience in the speaking industry. Need candid information on a speaker? Contact [email protected]
@specialkdchs Dr. Steve Kucinski NBCT English Teacher Dublin City Schools; adjunct professor at Ohio State; father of 3 boys; husband to world’s best music teacher!
@spectrumind Spectrum Industries Ed-tech furniture manufacturer. Leader in presentation lecterns, computer desks, collaboration tables, and tablet/iPad/laptop carts. Homepage
@spilarcik_lowe Sarah Lowe Innovative ms math and science educator with a focus on 21st Century Skills and PBL. Changing instruction of mathematics and paving the way for the future!
@Squirrels Squirrels Creators of @ClassHub, @TryDitto, @AirParrot & @ReflectorApp. Passionate about making great products & changing the world. Homepage
@stadtjay Jenni Stadtmiller Instructional Coach with HCESC, EdTech enthusiast
@stanteach Stan McDonald Technology Director
@STARTSOLE STARTSOLE STARTSOLE helps transform education through SOLE (Self-Organized Learning Environments). Homepage
@stephaniedonofe StephanieDonofeMeeks TO DO: Wake up. Smile. Be awesome.
Director for Integrated Technology at the Ohio Department of Education (views are my own)
@stephmlester Steph
@SteveDiedrick Steve Diedrick Teacher. Runner. Learner.
@StgzgroupEnt Stargaze Ent. Group Stargaze Entertainment Group Inc. (STGZ) is an entertainment company focused on the creation, production and distribution of music, films and television shows. Homepage
@StockAlert8 Tom Nelson Posts are just my opinion. Do your own due diligence. Trade at your own risk. Homepage
@StockWolfCom StockWolf Stats & Numbers Not B/S. For education only, not a recommendation to buy/sell/hold. Do your own DD. OTC only. Our Twitter Disclaimer https://t.co/k6D3YLJecM Homepage
@StorageCraft StorageCraft Business Continuity Starts Here … We keep your data safe through innovative disaster recovery, migration, disk and data backup. solutions. Homepage
@Stratasys Stratasys Welcome to the official Twitter account of Stratasys Ltd. (NASDAQ: SSYS). Follow us for the latest Stratasys news. Homepage
@strongsvillecs CameronRyba Facebook Page: https://t.co/BXOmscM83M Homepage
@sundarpichai Sundar Pichai CEO, @google
@SuptMontgomery Matthew Montgomery Superintendent, Revere Local Schools – father of four and husband
@sway Office Sway Sway, by Microsoft, is an intelligent digital storytelling app for creating and sharing interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more. Homepage
@swtilo SWTILO Southwest Technology Integration Leaders of Ohio #SWTILO Homepage
@SycamoreSchools Sycamore Schools -99% graduation rate -57 activities & 46 athletic options grades 7-12 -Students come from more than 54 birth countries -11 National Merit Semifinalists in 2016 Homepage
@SycLearning Andrew Wheatley An innovative educator working to create engaging, motivating, and empowering learning opportunities. ITF at Sycamore Schools Homepage
@taddouce taddouce Helping educators fully realize the potential of next-generation learning environments. Co-Founder of the National Robotics Challenge. #robots #edtech #nerdfun
@Tapecentral Tape Central, Inc Solutions for Audio & Visual Presentations, Professional Video Equipment, 10 Point Touchscreens, Installations, Duplications, Hard Drives, Storage Solutions. Homepage
@taylor_gang0209 Taylor Corcoran
@Tbaketech Tom Baker Director of technology – Genoa Schools. Work harder, longer.
@TeachCode TeachCode We support K12 educators in teaching computer science and leading the movement to make CS a part of every young person’s education. Homepage
@TeacherBeard Todd Beard I am a #YouthSpark Education Advocate @Hacking_STEM w/ others: #MIEExpert @NCCE_EdTech #FIRSTRobotics Coach, #code & K12 STEAM in Flint, MI #edtech #MichED
@teachtech221 Elizabeth Technology teacher, https://t.co/32TV1N2T1n facilitator, mom, wife, hobby farmer & maker
@TebnerEbner Tricia Ebner Gifted coordinator, consultant, & advocate for gifted children, Ohio Standards Advocate, Teacher Champion. All viewpoints my own.
@Tech_Rutherford Steve Rutherford Technology Supervisor with Nordonia Hills City Schools – GAFE certified – Coffee enthusiast – All things CLE
@techcorps_org Tech Corps TECH CORPS develops #technology programs and deploys tech-savvy volunteers to assist #K12 schools and youth-serving organizations #STEM #Volunteers #CSforAll Homepage
@TechieTcher Chantell M 18′ @iste Making IT Happen winner Spotlight Educator & #METC17 Outstanding Young Educator .16′ #PBSdigitalinnovator. @Raspberry_Pi CE. Opinions are my own Homepage
@techlane Robert Lane Computer and Robotics Teacher, lover of gadgets and all around geek. Presenter, tech integrator, Raspberry Pi Certified Educator and FLL Coach. Homepage
@techpdjen Jennifer Furey Instructional Technology Coordinator Pickerington Local Schools Homepage
@techsavvyteach Jason Neiffer @MontDigAcad guy, Tech-Savvy Admin-in-Residence for @ncce_edtech, @edtechsr co-host, kidney transplant recipient, coffee drinker, #iamncce #lovealltech #hashtag Homepage
@techyaveottaway L.Ottaway Instructional Technology Facilitator Homepage
@TestOutCorp TestOut Corporation TestOut is a certification company offering TestOut Pro Certifications and LabSim, innovative courseware solutions, in information technology. Homepage
@TeTeluvscats Trish Baker Media Resource Coordinator for LACA and INFOhio iCoach Homepage
@texthelp Texthelp for Edu At Texthelp we provide literacy support solutions to millions of students and educators in schools, colleges & universities. For help: @TexthelpSupport Homepage
@TH_RebeccaMc Rebecca McCarron Customer Relations Manager @ Texthelp
@theatlis ATLIS ATLIS: A professional development organization supporting technology professionals in the independent school community. Homepage
@thedivorg The Div Helping the next generation thrive through access to computer science education. Offering camps for kids and resources for schools. @Codeorg Regional Partner. Homepage
@theipodteacher Jon Smith Hubby/dad, Apple Distinguished Educator, Book Creator Ambassador, Flocabulary Platinum MCE, Alpha Squirrel, FlipGrid Ambassador, certified auto detailer! Homepage
@theohiobloke John Mansel-Pleydell John is Instructional Services Supervsor with the Northern Buckeye, GFE Certified Trainer, Educational Technologist and Aussie Expat. Homepage
@ThingLink_EDU ThingLink Education TL #interactive #images & #videos help #students grow skills & enrich their enthusiasm for #learning. New features/inspiration: https://t.co/gnUnzdAfhX #vr #360 Homepage
@ThinkTV ThinkTV ThinkTV, greater Dayton’s PBS station, is the most widely used non-profit educational, cultural, and informational service in SW Ohio. Homepage
@thomascmurray Tom Murray Husband to @murray22t, Dad, Dir. of Innovation #FutureReady @all4ed, Co-author Learning Transformed #LT8keys, Keynote, ’15 #EdPolicy PoY, ’17 Ed Thought Ldr OTY Homepage
@timbowers33 Tim Bowers Dean of Students at Four County Career Center. Homepage
@tobyfischer Toby Fischer Assistant Principal at Franklin Heights High School, Co-founder of Edcamp Columbus,
Father, husband, Learner, Educator, Designer, Builder, Innovator
@TobySalyers Toby Salyers K12 Director of Technology and believer of anything is possible.
@TPEMusic45780 Shannon Williams Stories and happenings from the music room. We tinker with instruments and technology. Homepage
@tpstube Traci Stubenrauch Innovative Coach, Math Leader, Teacher of Young Padawans, Mom to 3 Boys, Wife to Techie, Music/Food Lover, Passionate Believer of Making Every Minute Count
@trendingedtech jonathan jarc Artist & Educational Technologist at Saint Ignatius High School. Teaching teachers to bring the classroom into the technology. Apple Distinguished Educator 2015 Homepage
@TriciaSmithHCSD Tricia Smith Instructional Technology Coach HCSD Resident Educator Year 2 Mentor LPDC Chair Homepage
@Trinity3Tech Trinity3 Technology Trinity3 Technology is your premium source for personal systems, enterprise products and services to the education marketplace Homepage
@trinketapp trinket An all-in-one code editor designed for education. Try our free #HourOfCode lessons at https://t.co/f2JnKSpGgh ! Homepage
@troxellcomm Troxell The Leader in Education Technology & Collaboration Solutions. Homepage
@UAeschbach Mrs. Eschbach Wife, Runner, Golden Bear, and Tremont Teacher
@UDFLYER1997 Melissa Pepple I am a mother, wife, friend, and English teacher. I love books, literacy, teaching, and learning!
@Unity3dEdu Unity Education Homepage
@uofcincy U of Cincinnati The University of Cincinnati is one of America’s top public research institutions & the region’s largest employer. Student population: 44,251. #CincinnatiSmart Homepage
@upperschools UpperSanduskySchools Homepage
@VioletElem VioletES Violet Elementary, home of the Super Violets! Our awesome students earning one Spirit Stick at a time. Homepage
@VirginiaRessa Virginia Ressa, PhD Project Coordinator, Evidence-Based Practices Specialist in Office for Exceptional Children at Ohio Department of Education
@vperezy Vanessa Perez Tech Integration & Library Media Specialist #cpsreds https://t.co/JsbnkeHxjt: sharing PD opps for Oklahoma educators / #oklaed | IG: redslibrary Homepage
@VTurner8 Vicki Turner Director of Instructional Tech; Adjunct Instructor; Former HS English teacher; Matriarch; 8. Homepage
@wakelet Wakelet Create amazing collections using articles, videos, images, tweets, text & more. Also on iOS & Android. For support go to @WakeletSupport Homepage
@Wanstrath_LHS Wanstrath APUSH AP US History teacher at Loveland High School. Trying to guide awesome learners.
@WBeinkemper Will Beinkemper Assisstant Principal at Rapid Run Middle in OHLSD. Standards-Based Learning advocate. Husband, father to 3, explorer. Homepage
@WCSOH Westerville Schools Westerville City Schools educates approximately 15,000 students. Our full profile is available at: https://t.co/xaXPCVb83O Homepage
@wesfryer Wes Fryer This is NOT the official Twitter account for Wesley Fryer – follow @wfryer for Wes’ tweets! Homepage
@wfreyer wfreyer
@wfryer Wes Fryer I ❤ helping others #Create2Learn with digital media. @casadyschoolOKC T Dir. @edtechSR co-host. Sharing my song w @sfryer. #DigCit #OklaEd ATA @pocketshare Homepage
@Wildwood_Tweets Wildwood Elementary
@WilliamDFritz William Fritz Christian, innovation educator, husband, father of three, Learn21, NSBA 20 to Watch Homepage
@WIRED WIRED WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Homepage
@WiredEducator Wired Educator I’m @kellycroy educator, speaker & host of The Wired Educator Podcast, author of Along Came a Leader, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher. Homepage
@Wooster_TRT TRT Wooster
@WOSU WOSU Public Media Local news and information for Central Ohio, @NPR news and classical music, and your favorite programs from @PBS. Also follow us at @wosunews and @classical101. Homepage
@WOSU WOSU Public Media Local news and information for Central Ohio, @NPR news and classical music, and your favorite programs from @PBS. Also follow us at @wosunews and @classical101. Homepage
@WOSUAllSides All Sides All Sides with Ann Fisher is a live, public affairs talk show on @WOSU Radio 89.7 NPR News Homepage
@WOUBLAB WOUBLearningLab WOUB Learning Lab is a reinvention of the former ETSEO – the Ed Tech which served WOUB and WOUC viewing area by providing educational resources to schools. Homepage
@Writefullapp Writefull Writefull is an app that gives feedback on your writing by checking your text against databases of correct language. https://t.co/TKqbFzIOXQ Homepage
@wvizeducation ideastream Education
@WWWagner2010 Dr. Bill Wagner Superintendent Homepage
@Young_Librarian Brandi Young Integration Librarian, #AppleTeacher, demolisher of books (especially YA), #Maker, self proclaimed nerd – view and opinions are my own –
@YouTube YouTube Subscribe to black creators. Check the link in our profile for a new featured channel every day this month. Homepage
@zjvv77 Zachary Vander Veen educator, tech geek, adoptive father Homepage