1 min read

New book, The Case for the "Self-Driven Child"

New book, The Case for the "Self-Driven Child"

We are raising the anxious generation, and the conversation about the causes, and the potential cures, has just begun. In The Self-Driven Child, authors William Stixrud and Ned Johnson focus on the ways that children today are being denied a sense of controlling their own lives—doing what they find meaningful, and succeeding or failing on their own. Screen time, the authors say, is part of the problem, but so are well-meaning parents and schools, who are unwittingly taking from children the opportunities they need to grow stronger, more confident and more themselves. Stixrud and Johnson answered questions from Mind Matters editor Gareth Cook.

Source: The Case for the Self-Driven Child – Scientific American

If you needed more ammo for your student centered classroom, here’s the book for you.