1 min read

MOOCs are dead. Long live MOOCs!

MOOCs are dead. Long live MOOCs!

Children and college students aren’t the only ones turning to online education during the coronavirus pandemic. Millions of adults have signed up for online classes in the last two months, too — a jolt that could signal a renaissance for big online learning networks that had struggled for years.

Coursera, in which Mr. Gupta and Dr. Davidson enrolled, added 10 million new users from mid-March to mid-May, seven times the pace of new sign-ups in the previous year. Enrollments at edX and Udacity, two smaller education sites, have jumped by similar multiples.

Source: Remember the MOOCs? After Near-Death, They’re Booming – The New York Times

Although they have an abysmal completion rate, for certain students MOOCs are a  godsend.