1 min read

Miami University's business school requires all freshmen to take a coding course

Miami University's business school requires all freshmen to take a coding course
By: marissa anderson

We’re all accustomed to the typical assortment of core classes at universities: math, language, English 101. While the “real-world value” of core classes is often debated, one university is introducing a core class requirement that undoubtedly adds value to graduates’ post-college portfolios—a coding course.

The school is Miami University’s Farmer School of Business, and the decision was spurred in response to feedback from industry leaders on the skills they like to see in the graduates they hire. Specifically notable is GE CEO Jeff Immelt’s announcement that all its new hires, across all departments, will be trained in coding.

Source: Why One University Requires All Freshmen To Take A Coding Course

Someone that knows how to code is going to be able to work more efficiently than one who does not.