1 min read

A look at Apple's new summer camp

A look at Apple's new summer camp
By: Blake Patterson

In a nondescript Apple office building in Cupertino, California, a group of engineers has spent the past four weeks working feverishly on the next big thing in consumer hardware, prototyping a water-saving shower head, a new version of the Apple Watch, and a “smart” water bottle.

These products may never hit the market, but that hasn’t deterred the 25 high schoolers who are building them as part of an Apple summer camp. Called the Engineering Technology Camp, or ETC for short, the new camp was designed to give high school juniors and seniors full access to 40 Apple staffers, as well as various building tools, as they split into teams and try to build working prototypes in just under a month.

Source: At Apple’s new summer camp, high school kids can build the next big thing – The Verge

I wish I would have know about this back when they were accepting applications. The camp was free, and Apple also cover room, board, and travel costs!