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Legends of Learning brings high quality, standards aligned gaming to the classroom

Legends of Learning brings high quality, standards aligned gaming to the classroom

Legends of Learning brings high quality, standards aligned gaming to the classroom.

Currently available with middle school science content, Legends of Learning gives teachers the ability to put together playlists of games that supports what is going in the classroom. The games are aligned with the standards in almost every state, and as the students play the games, data is provided to the teacher.

There are approximately 500 games currently available for middle school science, and the site is free for teachers for the first few months. Monetization of the site isn’t currently finalized, but teachers can gain free credits for games by being ambassadors. These ambassadors provide feedback to game developers and professional development for other teachers in the use of Legends of Learning.

If you are a middle school science teacher, check it out! If you are not, sit tight, there is discussion on branching out to other subject areas in the future.