1 min read

John Spencer's 100 writing prompts for middle school

John Spencer's 100 writing prompts for middle school


One of the best aspects of being a teacher is watching students go from saying, “I hate writing,” to being so passionate about writing that they refuse to stop when the bell rings. In these moments, it can feel like magic. While there are many ways to spark the love of writing, one of my favorite strategies is a video or visual writing prompt. For over a decade, I have been creating authentic, teacher-tested writing prompts to spark the love of writing with even the most reluctant writer.

Right now, you can download a set of 100+ writing prompts (plus 30 video prompts) for free. Simply add your email address and click “submit” and I’ll send you a PowerPoint, Keynote, and PDF with the prompts.

Source: 100 Free Writing Prompts for Middle Grades – By John Spencer

This came across my RSS reader today, and I was just going to share it on social media, but then I realized that doesn’t give this collection of writing prompts justice. The prompts look really good, and would be very nice to use in your middle school ELA classroom.

Also, if you don’t follow Mr. Spencer, I highly recommend it!