ISTE 2016: 5 Tech Trends Reshaping Education | EdTech Magazine
Presenting to a packed house at ISTE 2016, educational technology expert Jason Ohler asked educators to dig deep and consider how they want to influence their students’ lives.“
Be a door-opener,” said the professional speaker and author. “Discover what is now important to you as a teacher.”
But that was just tip of the iceberg.
Source: ISTE 2016: 5 Tech Trends Reshaping Education | EdTech Magazine
Big data is number one on the list, and fully agree with it being very important. When someone talks about big data, they’re not talking about the data currently recorded about students, like test scores, attendance, and current grades. Big data is recording a ton of information about students, and then using that information to tailor your teaching of the student.
Information can be the student’s temperature and heart rate, combined with what movies the student likes, who they interact with at school, what their parents like, what the student did the night before, etc. Information not normally collected, but aggregated would be used to inform the teacher how the best approaches for the student. Technology has the capability to learn about each student better than any human could ever do.
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