1 min read

Is the innovation in our classroom simply what we've always done, except with technology?

Is the innovation in our classroom simply what we've always done, except with technology?

A few months ago, I noticed an increased amount of discussion around the notion of blended learning. Many of these conversations started on a similar note: “We’re blended—all of our teachers use Google Classroom” (or Edmodo, Schoology, Canvas, Moodle, etc.). However, in probing further, I often discovered that these tools had merely digitized existing content and classroom procedures.

Source: Are We Innovating, or Just Digitizing Traditional Teaching? | Edutopia

Baby steps. When teachers are apprehensive about integrating technology, I start them off by “digitizing traditional teaching”. But, you have to have follow up, and be there when the teachers are ready to take it to the next level.