1 min read

High tech change

High tech change

Nobody likes change, but the fact is that change is at our doorstep.  Changes in technology are quickly beginning to force the hands of schools and districts across the world. This poses some good news for students, as transformation efforts are under way to provide authentic learning experiences that provide relevance, value, and tangible skills in an unpredictable world. Even though changes are occurring, we need to be mindful of what is driving the work while looking past soft claims to ensure technology is actually improving learning and achievement.   It is important not to get sucked into the transformational aspects of the technology itself, but instead focus on the transformation of teaching, learning, and leadership.

Source:A Principal’s Reflections: Keys for a Successful Digital Transformation

This is a great plan to follow for any classroom, school, or district looking at successful integration of not only technology, but in the education of students itself.

I would add a step after infrastructure, and that would be something to do on staff technology usage. Today I see too many teachers not using bookmarks, styles in word-processing, or using sheets inefficiently. Staff need to see that technology is there to help them do their job faster.