1 min read

G Suite features, Google Photos, and CaptureCast - Top 3 posts for the week

G Suite features, Google Photos, and CaptureCast - Top 3 posts for the week
By: frontriver
By: frontriver

I’m switching it up this week, instead of posting the top 3 posts of the week indifferent to when the articles were posted, I’m switching to posting the top 3 posts of the week that were published that week. No more seeing Highlight rows in Google Sheets as the top post for the week.

Four new features in G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education)

Some great new features for G Suite for Education.

Four new features for Google Photos

The number four is the number for the week! Google has also been busy adding features to Google Photos. If you are a G Suite for Education school, be sure to check out what you can do with Google Photos.

CaptureCast is another option for recording screencasts with Chrome and Chromebooks

A late entry for recording screencasts on Chrome and Chromebooks, and a worthy contender.