1 min read

Four new features in G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education)

Four new features in G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education)

Today we’re introducing new time-saving features to Docs, Sheets and Slides designed to speed up and simplify the way teachers and students work, so they can focus on what’s really important—teaching and learning. These apps still have all of the same functionality that students and teachers love, with the addition of these new features.

Source: New time-saving features in G Suite for Education

It’s a great list of features, I’m most excited about two: Action Items and Google Forms uploads. With Action Items, you can assign tasks to others that are collaborating on the same document. Google Drive will also help you find those documents that have action items for you to complete. I could see teachers and students using this feature for assignments such as peer and draft reviews. A teacher could assign an action item to places in the document that need some additional work.

Google Forms now has an upload file feature, so you can collect files from others right in the Google Form. I could seen this being used to “show your work” for students, where they could upload pictures of their work to support their answers in the forms.