2 min read

Find and insert free pictures with the Pixabay Free Images Google Docs add-on

Find and insert free pictures with the Pixabay Free Images Google Docs add-on

Use this add-on to choose from thousands of free images and insert them in your Google Docs document.

Source: Pixabay Free Images – Google Docs add-on

Pictures that show up in the results with this add-on are Creative Commons 0 licensing, which means you can use them for any purpose, including commercial.

The first time you use the add-on it will ask you for the permissions it needs. If you are comfortable with the permissions requested, click Allow and continue.

The add-on will be installed and show up under the Add-ons menu.  To search for photos, select Add-ons -> Pixabay Free Images -> Search Images.

The Pixabay search bar will show up on the right side. Type in your search term.

Clicking on the image will insert it into the document where the cursor is, so you may want to make sure the cursor is pretty close to where you want the picture. The inserted picture’s text wrapping is set to inline by default, so you will probably want to click on the picture and set the wrap to Wrap text so your document text will flow around the picture.

Pixabay Google Docs Add-on is a pretty nice way to get good looking photos for your document.