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Exemplary examples of school districts using Twitter

Exemplary examples of school districts using Twitter
By: Claudio Toledo

When a student tweets at their school’s Twitter handle, chances are they don’t expect a response–it’s like tweeting at Starbucks, or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency—you feel like you’re talking to an entity that’s far too busy and important to ever respond to you. That’s why students in Georgia’s Cherokee County School District were so surprised when they tweeted their district, begging for a snow day—and their district tweeted right back.

Source: How school districts are leveraging Twitter to become rock stars | eSchool News

I’ve had this happen in real life, in one case, I tweeted out my despair when the local convenance store did not have Ho Hos when I wanted them at 1am. By the next morning I received a response saying that they were sorry and that they are working on it. A school district’s Twitter account can be a very important in engaging not only students, but the community.