1 min read

{Edchat} Direct instruction tips from comedians

{Edchat} Direct instruction tips from comedians
BlueOlive / Pixabay

Toe-curling public addresses, frosty receptions and baying crowds have been filling our screens on what feels like a daily basis – and we can only expect more of the same.

It might not be on the world stage, but every day people at work face tough crowds and awkward addresses of their own – be it when delivering a presentation, hosting an event, or being tasked with pepping up their downtrodden team.

So here with some advice on how to handle tough crowds are some of those most experienced in dealing with them, the bravest and steeliest among us: stand-up comedians.

Source: A tough crowd at work is no joke – stand-up comedians share their tips | Guardian Careers | The Guardian

Although the article is directed toward business situations, teachers face the toughest crowds every day: their students.