14 min read

#edcampcle notes and Twitter people to follow

#edcampcle notes and Twitter people to follow

Notes from #edcampcle

Playlist for travel:

The dream team arrives

RT @GarthHolman: RT @ProfessorMike1: The dream team walking the halls of #EdcampCLE  Thanks… its all @mr_rcollins @DMSArmstrong

(more like its all @DMSArmstrong and @GarthHolman!)


 Use of role playing/gamification in the classroom. #edcampcle

Automating iOS

  • Keyboard shortcuts – add a shortcut for your email address (@r expands to @ryancollins.org)
  • This is me using Drafts ($9.99) #edcampcle
  • @mr_rcollins : “He’s using Twitter finally?” #edcampcle (my 10,000th tweet!) via Twitter http://twitter.com/mr_rcollins/status/579293516322455552
  • If this than that
  • Workflow.app

How do give teacher quality professional development in the use of technology in their lessons?

How to get teachers to integrate, rather than just substitute technology

  • RT @AnnRad21: Carts are evil. Disperse those devices. @mr_rcollins #edcampcle
  • Different approaches – tech as a special, tech integration specialists in the classroom
  • Start small
  • Support those that want to do more

The following people mention #edcampcle on Saturday:

@AdamEducates Adam Levine 8th Grade Language Arts // Technology Integration Specialist // Admin // Lover of the Cleveland Browns and Coffee // Twitter is my PLN // Beachwood, OH // Agnon
@allaxspass Melanie Krause Mother, Middle School Intervention Specialist, Blogger ~ Using best practices, common sense, and a reality check to reach ALL learners Homepage
@allthejenkins Andrew Jenkins Tech Teach 6-7-8/Inservice Instructor-Brunswick,OH/MaEd EdTech/Realtor @JenkinsHeavenly/Philippians 4:13/John10:10/Volleyball Coach/Dad(x8 currently) Homepage
@anngift Ann Sheldon warrior advocate for gifted children Homepage
@AnnRad21 Ann Radefeld French/German Teacher with a passion for world cultures and educational technology. Mother of two beautiful boys who deserve to be prepared for their future.
@avon_mrbryson Blaine Bryson Computer Applications Teacher in Avon, OH. – Interested in how students learn in a digital age
@barrettmath9 Michele Barrett
@birdbrained Chris Reed just winging it at this point…
@BirdBrainEdu BirdBrain Science BirdBrain Science serves #adaptive, standards-based science articles to every student in your class, at their independent reading level. Homepage
@BMcCann17 Brett McCann @MissSomerville’s Fiance, SS Teacher & Data Coach @ Normandy HS, head of Solon Stampede baseball program. #DTD #LoveTheGrind
@brueckj23 Jeremy Brueck, Ph.D. Associate Director @uakron_literacy, Assistant Professor (visiting) @uakron, #ebooks, #transliteracy, president of Brueck Educational Innovations. Homepage
@burgessdave Dave Burgess Teacher/speaker who teaches how to live and teach with passion, enthusiasm, and increased creativity. Author of Teach Like a PIRATE Homepage
@CathyBees10 Cathy Roderick I am a Science/STEM K-12 Teacher Leader excited to share ideas & resources to improve our students’ learning by effectively using inquiry,PBL, STEM experiences!
@Chardonmiddle ChardonMiddleSchool Chardon Middle School- Where all the pieces fit together! Homepage
@ChardonSchools Chardon Schools The official site of the Chardon Local School District Homepage
@ChristinaHank Christina Hank Parent, educator, and PhD student. Interested in curriculum matters, advocating for teachers as professionals, and lifelong learning. Secondary Curriculum Coord Homepage
@chriszuccaro Chris Zuccaro 2nd grade teacher — 16th yr., father, sports fanatic. RT & links are not endorsements. Tweets do not represent my employer. #ocsdteach Homepage
@CMSRothstein CMSRothstein Chardon Middle School Assistant Principal. Believe in Education!
@ConleyKurjia ShannonConleyKurjian Mom, wife, teacher, history lover, problem solver
@CreditFlex OH CreditFlexibility Student-driven, individualized learning could be a reality. Ohio’s credit flexibility should lead. http://t.co/vyHRH2K1GN http://t.co/O77cKFe417 Homepage
@cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten Connected Educator-Speaker-Writer. Cataloging for education http://t.co/RqDGrjmOi8 #edchat moderator. Technology gives even the quietest student a global voice. Homepage
@d_mikin Deanna
@DanielPink Daniel Pink Author of 5 books. Father of 3 kids. Husband of 1 wife. Host & co-executive producer of Crowd Control on @NatGeoChannel: https://t.co/R08SNZQcnu Homepage
@DarlaGWagner Darla G Wagner Educator, administrator, writer, dreamer Homepage
@dave_ternent Dave Ternent
@DHurtack Daniel S. Hurtack Instructional Coach & Gifted Intervention Specialist – Mentor Public Schools – Mentor, Ohio
@DiscvrAbilities Alexandra Moore Majoring in Special Education and Discovering Abilities
@DiscvrAbilities Alexandra Moore Majoring in Special Education and Discovering Abilities
@distinctly_dave Dave Miller Senior Director Tech & Innovation for NORT2H. We provide teachers with training around innovative technologies for the classroom. http://t.co/b1dwozqOKH Homepage
@DMSArmstrong Mr. Armstrong 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher Dublin Ohio. Views are my own Homepage
@Dwight_Carter Dwight Carter Disciple, husband, father, dog owner, lead learner, presenter. New Albany HS Principal. 2013 NASSP Digital Principal of the Year, 2014 Bammy Award recipient. Homepage
@EdCampCLE EdCamp Cleveland Join us for a FREE educational unconference, June 14, 2013. Homepage
@EdCampColumbus EdCamp Columbus Join us for EdCamp Columbus, a FREE education unconference, March 14th, 2015 Register at http://t.co/OsA529xJmO Homepage
@education_geek Aaron Duff, M.Ed. Educator | TEDx Speaker | Thinker | Former Teacher of the Year | Researcher | Innovator | *Tweets are mine. Interpretations of my Tweets are yours.*
@EK4literacy Erin Killeen Reader, Writer, Teacher, Literacy Specialist, Lifelong Learner
@ELALeadership ELA ELA helping students Evolve, Lead, Achieve. Non-profit leadership organization focused on helping young people develop their most valuable asset – themselves. Homepage
@ExitTicket ExitTicket http://t.co/BKheXdJ5oJ gives teachers real-time data to do what they have always wanted – differentiate instruction and provide personalized learning. Homepage
@fabuLASHfudale fabuLASHfudale I am an Academic Technology Specialist. (Teacher) I also am an Independent Presenter for Younique. (All natural products.) http://t.co/kpavh0Nyt2 Homepage
@GarthHolman Garth Holman Middle School SS teacher and UAkron Prof. Working to INSPIRE, not motiviate students. Making Positive Digital Footprints Worth Following. What is your Legacy? Homepage
@GetKahoot Kahoot! Kahoot! is a global educational brand & FREE platform that creates classroom heroes. Tips & tricks: http://t.co/mMJ9I6FMGW. Support: @KahootSupport Homepage
@glstabile Gina Stabile Proud mother of triplets, loving wife, blessed educator, supportive friend, part-time blogger and full-time optimst.
@GodecGrade3 Miss Godec All of the classroom news and updates from third grade at Garfield Elementary School! Homepage
@HuffPostChicago HuffPost Chicago HuffPost’s eyes and ears in the Windy City (curated by @robojojo and @bellwak). Homepage
@JenRoberts1 Jen Roberts HS English Teacher and co-author of Power Up: Making the Shift to 1:1 Teaching and Learning. Interested in exploring literacy and technology. #GoogleCT, #SDAWP Homepage
@JenSubedu Jen Subedu connected teacher/learner; thoughts are my own; account not affiliated with employer
@JR_evans Jeremy Evans Father and Husband first, ELA teacher, then hobby farmer. New MS teacher at Dover City Schools. #ohedchat contributer. Go Tornadoes! Homepage
@KaizenaHQ Kaizena Save time. Give great feedback. Say goodbye to the red pen. For detailed support, please e-mail [email protected] Homepage
@kenkozar Ken Kozar teacher, @teachinghumans, learner, husband, father, focused on tech,disruption, changing the culture, evolving, making a difference. Homepage
@KMooreOrange Karen Moore Educator-Director of 21st Century Curriculum Orange Schools, Adjunct Professor Malone University, Striving to inspire lifelong learning among educators
@kmsrussian Mrs. Subbotin KMS Russian Language Teacher, Tech User, Opinions shared are my own.
@krimath kristin hicks
@Krinermom Kelly Kriner Read. Write. Laugh. Learn. ELA teacher. Hoosier girl married to Buckeye fanatic. BSU’89, AU’12. Mom to 3gr8kids: AU Eagle ALUM!, OSU Buckeye and BGSU Falcon Homepage
@kristenswanson Kristen Swanson Edcamp Co-Founder, Senior Director of the Research Institute at BrightBytes, Adjunct M.Ed. Professor, GCT, TedXPhillyEd Speaker, Teacher, Learner Homepage
@lisa_deliz Lisa Whitely Deliz VHS Assistant Principal
@LMurray_ L Murray
@LSangdahl LSangdahl Instructional Coach Homepage
@markbarnes19 Mark Barnes Teacher, author, international education speaker, publisher Brilliant or Insane & Hack Learning Series, #TTOG founder http://t.co/gNVzBFwyUd Homepage
@MathRemix Nevin Jenkins Technology Integration Specialist for Warrensville Heights City Schools, 21st Century Thinker, PBL & STEM Instigator Homepage
@MeganEKinsey Megan Kinsey Principal of Ridge Middle School
@mentorschools Mentor Schools Homepage
@mohicanbeck Becky Furlong Tech Director for K-12 public school distrct in Ohio. Homepage
@morgankolis Morgan Kolis Special ed teacher, reading specialist, M.Ed, tech lover, learner, maker, currently studying ABA. You may see me struggle, but you will never see me fall. Homepage
@Movenote Movenote Transform your presentations easily with Movenote. Digital Storytelling made fun! Available from Web App, Chrome web store, Apple & Android. #GAFE Homepage
@mr_johansson Andreas Johansson Director of Technology Integration @KenstonSchools. Blue Hat. Practical problem solver. Swedish. Lean / Six Sigma. A smart creative. Homepage
@mr_rcollins Ryan Collins Director of Technology for Kenton City Schools Homepage
@MrGrodek Tom Grodek Father, Husband, Brother, Son, Assistant Principal at Memorial Middle School, Friend, Eater, Browns Fan, Reader, Coffee Drinker, Health Shake Drinker, Baller.
@MrMacRaild Ryan MacRaild Technology and Media Literacy Educator and Speaker. GAFE, LMS, Mac, PC, iOS, Android, Audio, Video. Did a Chromebook 1:1 once. I train/consult on the side. Homepage
@MrMillerKMS Jake Miller Certified Google Education Trainer, Teacher of #KimptonSTEM8 exploratory class in #SMFCSD Ohio, originator of #GAFETip, father of 3, #edtech #STEM & #GAFE nerd. Homepage
@MrsDrozd_BMS Mrs. Drozd Lover of books, reading, and teaching 🙂
@mrsmeweeks Mary Ellen Weeks wife, mother of 3, 4th/5th grade teacher, 1:1 blended learning facilitator, 5th grade lead teacher, district writing coach, PD leader, full time student
@MrsTraceyDunn Tracey Dunn Kindergarten-Hopkins Elementary, NSBA’s 20 to Watch, OETC Teacher Innovator Homepage
@mrwheeler Sean Wheeler Teacher, @teachinghumans,#soulco #wikiseat, interested in words, edtech, Design, The Digital Age, Making and Networked Learning. Dad, Husband, Maker, Non-Golfer Homepage
@NikkiDiehm Nikki Diehm Middle school teacher, wanna-be author, all-around nerd. 2x Presidential Fitness Award earner in HS. No longer athletic. Homepage
@NSBAComm NSBA | School Boards News and insights from the National School Boards Association and our state school boards associations. Homepage
@OAGCGifted OhioGiftedChildren The Ohio Association for Gifted Children has been advocating for gifted children since 1952. Homepage
@ofcstech Dawn Carlin Technology Integration Specialist – Olmsted Falls City Schools.
@Orange_Schools Orange_Schools_OH
@padlet Padlet The easiest way to create and collaborate in the world. Homepage
@PearDeck Pear Deck Create beautiful interactive lessons, presentations, and assessments to engage every student #ChromebookEDU #GAFE Homepage
@pporto pporto
@ProfessorMike1 Mike Pennington Tech integration trainer for NORT2H. Effecting real change and helping create blended learning experiences for teachers and students. Homepage
@schinker John Schinker dad, tech coordinator, edtechtalk host, brewer, musician Homepage
@Schoology Schoology Schoology extends learning beyond class with an award-winning academic hub for instruction, communication, collaboration, and third-party integration. Homepage
@scotthastings1 Scott Hastings I teach 5th grade in the Orange City School District. I have a wife and two kids. I love my life and my work.
@ScottKinkoph Scott Kinkoph student centered, learning coach, teacher coach, learner, disruptor, hates status quo, loves a clear vision, music junkie, aspiring golfer-Learn together! Homepage
@sdemichele Stephanie DeMichele Instructional Coach and Technology Specialist for Wickliffe City Schools; Mom to 2 crazy boys; Rabid U2 fan; Devotee of the Oxford comma; Beach Bum Homepage
@shirky17 paul shircliff I teach high school students @ Buckeye High School in Medina & live in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. I work with our auditorium sound and lights & video performances. Homepage
@splashtop Splashtop Try Splashtop as the leading alternative to LogMeIn. Access your PC/Mac/Server applications and data from any mobile device. Homepage
@StacyHaw Stacy Hawthorne Creativity & Innovation Strategist working with schools to improve teaching and learning, Cyclist, UGA Alumnus, Recovering Google Glass Explorer Homepage
@SueGrodek Sue Grodek Mom, Teacher, Advocate
@SWLtechcoach Gabrielle Copen K-12 Ed Tech Coach, reader, techie, lover of all things beautiful; tweeting resources for teachers! Homepage
@textivate textivate Turns text into online language activities, hwk, tests, IWB material (+worksheets). Text + vocab; input + output; reading + writing. LOTS of repetition! Homepage
@theipodteacher Jon Smith Husband, father, Technology Integration, Technology Consultant, Communicate Institute Instructor, former spec ed teacher, Apple freak, scratch golfer. #twima Homepage
@thome_ian IanThome
@tobyfischer Toby Fischer Assistant Principal at Franklin Heights High School, Co-founder of Edcamp Columbus, Father, husband, Learner, Educator, Designer, Builder, Innovator Homepage
@Traci_Kosmach Prncpl Possibility Principal, Riverview Elementary ~ Lucky wife, Blessed mom of 4, coffee lover, God follower, Peace seeker and LEARNER!
@tracie_crim Tracie Crim
@treenprincipal Mark Treen Let’s roll! #bulldogpride
@VTurner8 Vicki Turner Former High School English Teacher/Adjunct Instructor/Supervisor of Instructional Tech
@wevideo WeVideo Video storytelling and collaboration accessible to anyone anywhere. Homepage
@wordpressdotcom WordPress.com News from http://t.co/Z3JOKIYzYa (that’s the hosted version). Follow @WordPress for .org updates. Get support at: http://t.co/uAI0RPs8hM An @Automattic product. Homepage
@YouTube YouTube Tweets on music, trends and all that is awesome in the world of YouTube. Homepage
@zaption Zaption News, help, and tips from Zaption! Share with us how you’re using Zaption to be an #edtech innovator. Homepage