Does edtech improve or harm education?
Multimedia technologies penetrate into various spheres of educational activity. The spread of innovations is facilitated by external factors associated with the ubiquitous informatization of society and the need for appropriate preparation of schoolchildren, as well as by internal factors related to the popularization of modern computer equipment and software in schools, the adoption of state and interstate programs for the informatization of education.
In many ways, these processes were stimulated by the emergence of the Internet. Today, every student can find the necessary information on the Web or contact an online paper writing service whose employees can be located at the other end of the country.
Despite the fact that progress has gained tremendous speed, its expediency is still being questioned. Let’s find out whether innovations really help to improve the educational system.
Source: Is the quality of education improving or depreciating with technology? – Armchair Arcade
I believe technology is what the teacher makes of it, and, like a lot of things, can be beneficial or harmful. All things in moderation, use what you believe is the best tool for the job.
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