1 min read

Create online multimedia projects with Tackk

Create online multimedia projects with Tackk

TackkΒ is a web app that I learned about last year, but never posted about it!


A tackk can be thought of as a list of different types of media. In the above shot, this tackk starts with a headline block, then a picture block, and finally, a text block. Tackk makes it really easy to add blocks or move them around. If you are looking for a dead simple way of repurposing content, Tackk may be an option.

For signup, Google, Microsoft, and Edmodo logins are allowed, making Tackk easy to use with students because they don’t have to have yet another username and password. If your students don’t have an account, Tackk offers an invite code option, allowing students to create and publish tackks without an account.

My great volcano tackk is published for viewing.