1 min read

Communicating efficiently

Communicating efficiently

The how, where, why, and when we communicate. Long form asynchronous? Real-time chat? In-person? Video? Verbal? Written? Via email? In Basecamp? How do we keep everyone in the loop without everyone getting tangled in everyone else’s business? It’s all in here.

Source: Guide to Internal Communication, the Basecamp Way

It’s a long read, but well worth it. This is a great article for teachers and administrators on guidelines for communication. Here are a couple of my favorite rules:

Meetings are the last resort, not the first option.

Can I get an Amen?

If your words can be perceived in different ways, they’ll be understood in the way which does the most harm.

It is very hard to write emotion.

Five people in a room for an hour isn’t a one hour meeting, it’s a five hour meeting. Be mindful of the tradeoffs.

I want to work at Basecamp entirely for their thoughts on meetings.

There are many more, go read their guidelines!