Black Menu extension for Chrome offers customized quick access to Google services and documents
Quick access to Google services? Bah, I’ve already set up bookmarks for that. But, quick access to documents? Sign me up!
Black menu for Google is a customizable toolbar icon designed to give you quick access to Google services and documents.
I stumbled across it in the Chrome Web Store, and almost went on by. After installing, I thought it was just another launcher, that is, until I clicked on the Documents icon.
And there were my recent Google Docs that I’ve been working on! Very cool, and faster than any bookmark since I can open the document directly from here.
Google services can be added or removed from the menu on the right. Scroll down the list until you see the +Add, and then you can add other Google services to the menu. Services on the menu can be re-arranged by dragging and dropping, and removed.
This is a pretty cool extension, and one I’m going to be adding to my list of favorite Google Chrome extensions.
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