1 min read

Badge List is a service that lets you create and award badges.

Badge List is a service that lets you create and award badges.

Badge List is a service that lets you create and award badges.

Badge List offers both free and paid accounts, the difference being is that the free accounts are totally open and have no privacy. There is educational pricing available, starting at $25 a year for a teacher.

Once you are signed up, you can create your own badges. I created the Eduk8me Novice badge, which one can earn by reading one article on Eduk8me. There are two parts to creating a badge. The top part is where you enter the general information about the badge.

At the bottom is the evidence portion. You can require zero or more forms of evidence.

Zero forms of evidence could be a badge that a student earns in class, while multiple forms of evidence could be the work the student needs to complete for the badge.

For my Eduk8me Novice badge, I require the link to the article read.

If you are looking at a service to manage badges, Badge List is a service to check out.If you don’t end up paying for it, then you will need to be comfortable with the badges information being open.