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Academics vs Fortnite

Academics vs Fortnite

Hours after her son returned to school, April McElrath of Smyrna, Delaware, posted to a Facebook group she’d joined for help and support.


“He tried to start a game before school!!!” McElrath wrote, posting a picture of her sheepishly smiling son Marcus, 11, to the group for parents of children obsessed with the video game “Fortnite.”

Dozens of “Fortnite” support groups — where parents with kids who play the colorful survival game connect and vent — have sprung up on social media since the game was released last year. They have also given adults an outlet to discuss how to handle the new school year.

Source: Parents work to put boundaries on ‘Fortnite’ during the school year

I’m still not very good at the game, I don’t understand how other players can build so fast! Maybe I need to practice more…