1 min read

PD shouldn't be about the tools

PD shouldn't be about the tools

Overcoming the SQUIRREL: Why PD Sessions Should Use Digital Tools Sparingly

For many, the term “in-service” or “professional development” conjures images of tirelessly boring days of sitting and getting information while some expert drones on and on about the latest and greatest in education.  But 21st century professional learning is different.  Think about your last experience. I’d bet within the last year, you’ve been in a session during which the presenter used cool digital tools like Kahoot! or Poll Everywhere, which most likely made your time together more fun and engaging.

But what was the purpose?  Using digital tools in professional development solely to create a “fun” and “interactive” environment completely circumvents the intended learning outcomes. I’ve learned this the hard way.

My most favorite phrase from the article, Focus on the learning opportunities, not the tool itself, is powerful.