1 min read

50% of teens feel addicted to their phones, poll says - CNN.com

50% of teens feel addicted to their phones, poll says - CNN.com

Fifty percent of teens feel they are addicted to their mobile devices, according to the poll, which was conducted for Common Sense Media, a nonprofit focused on helping children, parents, teachers and policymakers negotiate media and technology. A larger number of parents, 59%, said their teens were addicted. The poll involved 1,240 interviews with parents and their children, ages 12 to 18.”Technological addiction can happen to anyone,” said digital detox expert Holland Haiis, who describes technology as “the new 21st century addiction” in her book “Consciously Connecting: A Simple Process to Reconnect in a Disconnected World.”

Source: 50% of teens feel addicted to their phones, poll says – CNN.com

I don’t know if all of this technology use is a bad thing, I’ve been using tech for >10 hours a day for 30 years, and I feel normal (although others may disagree with my definition of normal). Am I addicted? When I leave my cellphone my feelings are usually one of “I need it!” but one of, “what if someone tries to get a hold of me, they may think I’m blowing them off.”